Display of minion damage

Need some tool to be able to see the change in minion damage, I understand that this may be difficult to implement, but all classes have builds through minions, but there is absolutely no way to see their damage in numbers

Complexity of implementing display dmg is irrelevant. Every game has it and every other game is clear about it. Here its just still a Beta game and i feel like after release 1.0 it still gonna be a beta game for at least a year. Right now many things require fixing and re-designing

The problem with minions specifically is that they are snapshot. So which DPS should be shown? The DPS if they were summoned now or the DPS when the specific minions were summoned when they were summoned? If it’s the latter, how would you handle temporary buffs that are applied to individual minions (eg, Dread Shade or some of the buffs Eterra’s Blessings give to healed minions)?

You aren’t wrong, but it’s also not a trivial thing to do. But yes, it should be done. Hopefully the putative new character screen will help, whenever we get to see that.

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An excellent example is the addon for Worl of Warcraft called Recount. This addon displays all information on the hero’s DPS. At the same time, you can detail this damage by component, how much the character dealt, how much the minion dealt, and so on. In fact, in the first couple of days the total amount of damage per minute will be enough. Let’s say we can do this, we have a mannequin near the arena, we attack the mannequin, beat him for a minute, and after a minute we get a log that shows the average DPS for this minute, but we need to make sure that the minions attack him themselves, and not just via the “A” button.

I assume that gets the data from a live combat log of some kind? 'Cause the devs have said many times that that ain’t happening.

I have no idea if it is accurate, but if you import your build into the Last Epoch build planner tool online, it will display copious amounts of Minion data that the normal char sheet does not.

Hope that helps.

[google for Last Epoch build planner, then open it and click the small icon top left to import a build. Type your (Steam) username and your character’s name and it will import it for you]