Disintegrate scaling

Hi, i hope to find answers about scaling in this game.

  1. This game for some reason don’t mention about 0% crit chance on this spell.
  2. It has tags: Lightning, Fire, Spell, Damage over Time, Channeled, Intelligence
    So for me it is elemental damage spell that deals damage over time, while you channeling it.
    Then there is a question. Why this spell dont scale with Prefix x% Elemental Damage Over Time? It only scales with Prefix +x% Damage Over Time
    And i have 40k dps as tooltip, but numbers when i use it not that close. My 20k dps shadow dagger bladedancer deleting mobs with one shots.
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Is this a statement or a question? Damage over Time cannot crit. Disintegrate does Damage over Time, thus it cannot crit

It does scale withElemental Damge over Time, what gives you the impression that it doesn’t does the tooltip dps not change? If that is so, that might be a bug in tooltip, but it does scale.

Also the nubmers on your tooltip and the nubmers you do in pratice will always be very different.

Tooltip dps is no accurate measuremetn of how much damage yo udo. It is only for testing purposes and the relative damage between different gear or passive setups.

It does scale withElemental Damge over Time, what gives you the impression that it doesn’t does the tooltip dps not change? If that is so, that might be a bug in tooltip, but it does scale.

thanks for reply. Yes, the numbers in tooltip didn’t change.
I tried to use Amulet with 160% damage over time and Ring with 170% elemental damage over time, and only Amulet increased my dps tooltip, not the ring.
Oh, one more. Elemental damage did scale my ignite, but i thought it should scale my spell too and ignite.

And numbers when i use my spell don’t change that much, as dps tooltip says=( I thought i could create sorc from D3 with two laser beam, but i guess it is better to swap to something more common and tested already.

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