Hello people!
I have a couple of questions!
Is there any plans to make SORC spec not run lighting only?
I feel like SORC is shoehorned into Meteors or Fireballs only, with Disintegrate being slightly better on RUNEMASTER, who is overall the best Mage spec and is fairly unbalanced.
Arcane Ascendancy DEVOURS mana without “No mana cost” node and provides virtually NOTHING for the mana it obliterates. The skill perfectly slings with “turret” mode that is Dissintegrate. But at peak setup, it gives 170% spell damage increase that is incredibly low.
A good roll CInder Song provides similar bonuses for fire spell damage, but costs no mana to use. Being Static, unable to move, either being on 12s clock or loosing all your mana, the skill feels incredibly underpowered, especially the fact that its CAST SPEED doesnt increase the rate at which Disintegrate ticks its damage.
So, we need to see few problems of Disintegrate:
-No cast speed scaling means that through the game my Master Sourcerer cant cast it more intensly and make it tick FASTER.
-Ignite rate is abysmal and feels like an afterthough. Disintegrate has to either do INSANE damage, and turn that damage as a REGULAR HIT, or have lower damage in order to insanely fast stack 100+ fire stacks to actually DOT your targets
-The cost of making the skill itself strong can be upto 25 points. But even then it is underpreforming other similar skills.
Flurry for instance costs NO MANA, and with proper setup can inflict over 120 bleed stacks (or more) dealing upright of 55-100k dmg bleed ticks .
Comparatively Disintegrate not only requires me to facetank all attacks, I have to sit in danger zones waiting to get deleted. And yet, the skill has a node that makes me take MORE DAMAGE from enemy to deal more damage.
All of my other characters deal insanely larger quantities of damage with cheaper skills, and very importantly INSTANTLY (Erasing strike)
So, wanting to fulfill the fantasy of Disintegrator ray Sorc, both Arcane Ascendancy and Disintegrate too need to be improved
Total bonus from Arcane should be around 500% spell damage, granting around 50 flat base spell damage too( ramping from 10 every second increasing by 10 untill it caps at 5 seconds standing around)
Next, GLASS CANNON node should provide flat universal protection next to MORE damage scaling that is DOUBLED AT TIER 2 and TRIPLED AT TIER 3 ( Lets say we increase that stat by 15 than tier 2 is 30% more damage and 30% less damage taken of any kind, making it 90% more dmg output/less damage received)
Then pick to keep the skill either:
a) A dot that cannot hit but scales way better with intel and DOT increases
b)Becomes a hit that scales normaly with CAST SPEED
c)Deals lower damage per 'tick" but stacks increasingly more and more stacks of fire. Instead of quasi-beating the enemy, it can cook and disintegrate them with concentrated fire dot
i want to hear if we got people that agree with this or have better ideas for changes that need to happen for SORC to have more options of play
I have made 2 Disintegrate characters Lightning Sorceror and Fire Spellblade. I think Runemaster is the worst of the Mage masteries to scale Disintegrate as its worse for both mana stacking(lightning) and Crit/Int Ignivar’s scaling(fire)
Build: https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/BMZkdLEo
Potential big upgrades can be T7 mana on the amulet and a +4 Disintegrate on the relic (pretty unlikely)
Build: https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/o3y3lykQ
Potential big upgrades are 2x Red rings which I have now farmed, it will be a massive 20% DR but also results in less damage(Int and crit) unless I manage to get Intelligence on one of them from Nemesis.
My thoughts on Disintegrate:
- Disintegrate needs some kind of baseline damage and defense increase. The game is not designed around standing still and this becomes even more prelavent with new fights such as the Harbingers and Aberroth.
- Utility such as range, DR and ugrade speed requiring skill nodes feels bad on a skill that already struggles for damage.
- I believe the mana cost of the Escalation and Amplification nodes was not properly adjusted with the change to channeling mana cost and it needs to be balanced properly.
- I agree that Glass cannon is a poorly designed and outdated node. 40% more damage taken is ridiculous when you already have the drawback of standing still. The endgame being pushing corruption makes this MULTIPLICATIVE more damage taken even worse. Dual wielding’s more damage taken has been adjusted multiple times but this has been overlooked for ages.
- I kinda agree with the Ignite take, now while Ignites applied by Disintegrate technically inherit all the more multipliers of the skill and can scale with your ignite on hit chance, the problem is the application rate. An enemy needs to be standing in your Disintegrate for 1 whole second to get the ignite. This doesn’t sound like much but when you consider high mobility targets like the Snake assassin enemy or the Skinny bitch Harbinger you’re gonna be losing a LOT of damage when they dash around. The ignite application should work on Disintegrate’s tick rate (per 0.25 sec) for ignite disintegrate to even be remotely viable.
- The less damage on Laser Focus node is WAYY too much. 60% less multiplier is ridiculous and honestly should be made to 30% like the Twinbeam node.
My thoughts on Arcane Ascendance:
You are missing the 24% more damage Chronoclasm node can give to Disintegrate, it is better than you think.
Arcane Ascendancy being unusable without the Acuity node is a separate problem I think and probably indicative of the skill needing a rework. The buffs you are suggesting (500% increased damage and 50 flat) seems a bit too much. However I do agree that the Power Overload node is insanely underwhelming at 5% increased damage PER SECOND OF STANDING STILL. Like this node could be 50-100% increased per second and it would still be underpowered since other spells just use it for the 4/8 quick casts and move on.
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Thank you! I knew from the get go, lighting spec is just simply better (like spel crit being doubled for lightning in sorc node) but I wanted to run FIRE disintegrate and it is not comparable even if maxing out ALL THE FIRE NODES.
I gave examples at top of my head, and my numbers aren’t at all accurate.
I am running CHRONOCLASM node too, in order to reach “MANA SURGE” Node in hopes killing things can maintain my excessively experience channeling cost.
I also had to drop dual beams as instead of being just another +100% damage output, that node lowers damage by 30% so you get 2 beams at 69% power.
I am extremely happy more people think these two need tuning.
Just like Black Hole that is never ever used in any build, even as a crowd/cc grouping tool, completely ruining the fantasy.
And yes, I would argue that new classes like Runemaster and Falconer are overtuned vs old classes to promote people playing, but that just left some old specs in the dust.
Look at the second build and video, it is Fire Disintegrate and actually does more damage than the Lightning build without even using the Glass cannon and Twin beam nodes. You NEED to go Spellblade for Fire Disintegrate IMO since the class scales crit chance with intelligence to make Intelligence essentially triple dip (increases the damage of skill, more fire damage from the skill tree node, scales crit chance from both the sorc and spellblade passive for Ignivars).
The problem with Fire Disintegrate is (as you said) the mana cost even without Twinbeam is pretty high since they forgot to rebalance the nodes. There’s also the lack of defense (which sucks since standing still=death) compared to Lightning Sorc but that can be resolved with Red Rings which are pretty rare but they ARE an option and fit pretty well with the build since its already stat scaling.
But I do agree on that, these skills need tuning.
I don’t think Runemaster is in a great spot right now… Mirror bolt is pretty strong in my experience and I have heard that Plasma Orb is still good. Dunno bout Hydrahedron after the nerfs. The other Invocations are unused, Glyph of Dominion doesn’t seem to be used much either, Runebolt is a support skill so can’t do much with it anyway. Spark charges and Frostbite would be better done on Sorc/Spellblade.
Winds of Eos is used for fire disintegrate/aura build