Not sure if this is worth a forum post, but I just leveled a char to 100 and it felt pretty irrelevant… I understand the math behind just getting 1 more passive point after already using 112… so the character is not really any more powerful or in any way better than it was.
Just felt pretty dull reaching the final level… Not sure what I was expecting really…
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It helps if you can give more information which character/mastery you did level to 100? It can help Devs to get ideas which Character/masteries needs possbile adjustment.
Because on my Spellblade mage i have feeling that every point makes my character more powerful. But of course this can be my own opinion
It can be either some build or character/mastery that comes little bit sooner “maxed out” and passive points comes irrelevant.
That is actually a pretty good comment and interesting perspective… If a class feels like its maxed out at 90 or 95 levels or 100 passive points… then that may be something that needs evaluating…
However, this character is a VK build and it has morphed many times in the last 10 levels from a Rive or Vengeance melee to a devouring orb spammer or smite void caster… All because I could not find a build with associated playstyle that I really liked… So maybe my subjective view on using the character has muddied this particular class for me… and dulled the level achievement…
I can understand how hitting level 100 can feel anticlimactic. The first thing I’d like to recall is that the last few levels are much longer to pass than levels up to 90-ish, and therefore I can completely understand why there wouldn’t be any other reward for hitting level 100 than “just” one last skill point - because offering another “concrete” upgrade for level 100 would incentivise people to push for that last level, which isn’t what EHG seems to be after. (This might be the case in most ARPGs, I only played one other such game so I can’t speak for the majority of them).
That being said, I agree that some fluff could be fun to have. Like a small banner at the top of the character screen or something. When multiplayer is added, and the friend list is developed further, if the mastery/level of the character a friend is logged in as is displayed, I think the “level 100” text alone will stand out and might act as a show off trinket, maybe?
So yeah, long story short, I understand why there isn’t any reward gameplay-wise and I wouldn’t like one, but some aesthetic fluff could be fun.
Is there a game that handled reaching max level better that might be a good guidepost for EHG to use? I honestly racked my brain for a bit, and I think this is an all too often occurrence. I usually have to pin the medal on myself. In POE, when my characters reached a certain level I would give them a specific frame that I only use for 85/90/95 characters (there were 3 progressions).
I did something similar. I used a special frame per league for the character I thought was best to play, not necessarily the highest level or fully geared. For several PoE Leagues, I ran the same chaos damage variants (ED/C), Soulrend, then Hexblast (Blackflame igniter). The 92 Soulrend felt better than my 95+ Hexblast. Another one was an 89 ED/C who died in HCSSF heist, which was the best HCSSF run I had since Torment.
PoE gives you a pin on the website to add if you have a lvl 100 or get 40/40, but ingame PoE/GD and other games from memory, even in Ultima Online when you hit 100 in a skill its just ‘You are now 100’ nothing extra - its up to the person to care
I just add a new pin per 100 and 40 - my main goal in PoE was first 100, then all classes 100, now im going for full account so 23/23. I just give them a golden frame as well to tell them apart on the character select screen easier
You can add the pin regardless of the character level and league challenge count.
On topic. The whole point of level 100 is that it is more epeen and minmaxing than being required for build development. LE has a similar philosophy as D2 and POE in that regard. Builds should be complete by the late 80s - mid 90s.
I had been expecting to unlock a level 100 “Blessing” and was surprised to get nothing other than a skill point (although this is normal for most games LE has loads of little tweaks which upgrade the genre experience already).
I would really enjoy a 100+ monolith with a level 100 blessing to roll for at the end; another long term goal to be out there for your character.
The blessing could be for your character or it could be an account=blessing for all your toons (suitably scaled for you to add more over time). If they were in their own pool it would be super-easy to set them aside for races and other “level playing field” events.
There are loads of account-level blessings which could be scaled to be interesting while levelling alts but not a competitive advantage in the late game.
E.g. A 5% experience boost blessing. It would be cool while levelling (though you would probably feel emotionally you got a benefit more than a strong mathematical advantage). Once you hit monoliths with their multipliers it is almost irrelevant.
5% more gold would be similar.
Understand your comment about flexing (had to look up epeen) but I am not entirely convinced that a build should be completed too early and if a particular class does feel like its reached this “completed” (i.e. no point in going further) level faster than others, then I still say that it needs to be checked…
I see that in the game, there is a single item drop (Eye of Storms amulet) that requires level 85. The assumption therefor is that this is the final level you need to use anything in the game right now and that the next 15 levels would just be icing on a build.
I personally find this to be a little too early as I have always liked having something almost “unobtainable” in ARPG/MMORPG/RP games I have played. I may never get to it, but its nice to know there is “something” to aim for other than a max level.
With 100 being the max confirmed by the devs (Mike) then I can make the assumption that any other level requirements added to the game later (maybe legendary items) are likely to be maxed at 90 to give at least 10 more levels to “enjoy” using it. So to make another, likely incorrect assumption, does that mean that level 90 is the target for a completed class and its not intended to get to level 100?
Perhaps this discussion is a moot point right now because we dont know what goodies the devs plan to add going forward… and we dont know if the devs intend to cater for the die-hards like myself that like getting to the absolute “end” vs those that prefer playing a char to level 75/80 and then trying another rather than aiming to max each out… Or even both types of players…
That’s not flexing at all, a build (core) will come online early 80s (even 78) and after that you will most likely spend the rest of points in negligible dmg/defense increases, so you could say the build is complete. This is true for a lot of ARPGs (if not all of them).
For me being essentially done with a build by level 80 seems far to early… Almost like eating chinese food and feeling hungry an hour later… But hey… thats my opinion…
I mean having a build “done” is just one part of the game after that if the build clicked to you you’ll probably want to see how far you can push it, that means hunting for gear, blessings and crafting which takes time; If not then level another character and try more builds.
and still is (imo), but once you’re done with a couple of characters you will barrel through want it or not.