Died in Fall of the Empire, respawned in Fall of the Outcasts

So I was doing a Beacon node within the Fall of the Empire timeline. The map is Flooded Cavern, and I died to an Exlied Mage.

I respawn, and I’m suddenly looking at my Fall of the Outcasts timeline.

This happened after the 1.0.8 update.

Successfully cleared the Beacon node, and got sent to Fall of the Outcasts.

Cleared a non-Beacon node successfully, correctly sent back to Fall of the Empire.

Died in a non-Beacon node, correctly sent back to Fall of the Empire.

Died in a Shade of Orobyss node, incorrectly sent to Fall of the Outcasts.

Successfully cleared Shade of Orobyss, incorrectly sent to Fall of the Outcasts.

This has been substantiated by other players in chat.

Cleared a Beacon node in Reign of Dragons, incorrectly sent to Fall of the Outcasts.

For reference, this is all offline. My game is not modified in any way, though I cannot say the same for other players.

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