Did the camera zoom change?

I wasn’t sure about it during the campaign, but I just got to monoliths, and I’ve confirmed I’ve zoomed out all the way, but I’m almost positive the zoom distance is not what it used to be. If so, I am very much not a fan. Please allow us to zoom back out to the amount we used to be able to.

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After running more echoes I noticed the camera zoom changes on its own, but does so in some strange ways.

For example, I was running through the Ruined Shrine echo just now when I noticed the camera had zoomed in again, and then just a few moments later it zoomed out as I ran up a ramp. What’s strange is that you might expect the character to appear closer (zoomed in) as it runs up the ramp, not the opposite.

Either way, glad to see the camera does have the ability to zoom back out to the level I was expecting. I thought you guys had made some kind of permanent change.

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I would love for the camera to be pulled back just slightly. It does seem a bit close and I cant remember myself if it used to be this close before 1.0.

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I was coming here to talk about the same thing. It wasn’t the zoomed in camera bug because logging out and back in didn’t change anything. I still just had enemy attacks come from much further off screen than normal to the point that I couldn’t even fight back. It was game breaking unplayable.

I’m loving this game, but the camera is way too close. It needs to be pulled back by a lot.

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As mentioned in my second message above, it seems the zoom changes at different points. Not sure what determines when or where it changes, but the devs may need to review the maps to see how/when/why it changes and see if they can make it consistent.

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I haven’t noticed myself but, that said, if you’ve been seeing it, I’d file this in bug report, not feedback/suggestion. As best as I recall no mention of a change in camera was listed in the patch notes for 1.0 and that would make this a potential bug.

EDIT: If you use the edit option you can actually swap it to that section…I think.


yes i think

Neat, I didn’t notice that. Alright, moved.

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