Devouring Orbs with Abyssal Echoes question w(0_0)w

Heyo everyone :wave: I just a new on Dev Orbs an I have a question. Which of Abyssal Echoes skill trees is better. Which one gives me more power and make me feel empower :joy:
This one: Void Knight, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.8.5f) - Last Epoch Build Planner
Or this: Void Knight, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.8.5f) - Last Epoch Build Planner

Given how easy it is to respec, you should just try both and see which one gives you an experience you like more.

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The one with armour shred would give you better single target, the other one would give you better clear. I’d probably lean towards the single target one since Devouring Orb will give you lots of clear (& single target) anyway.

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this build is pretty bad for me. not in terms of damage, but you autostop to cast devouring orb every few seconds. not smooth at all.

Yeah, increased cast speed makes it fell less bad, but it’s never going to feel great due to the cast time for DO.

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