Devouring Orb with Warpath

Most of your spells & bow attacks should already have sufficient range to hit anything on your illegally ultra-wide monitor.

I’m fine with the devs changing the skills so that not-autocasting them is more effective, I just don’t have any idea how they could do that given you generally want to spam cheap/stackable duration skills (DO) as much as possible.

Enchant Weapon allready has it out of the box, and that is fine i think.

And if the only difference in the game (it doesn’t make you stronger, faster or anything else) is pressing a button 60 times an hour OR turning on a macro switch once, I know what I’d rather do.

And yet I would appreciate it if there were still DIVERSE skills and skill combinations… if only to do justice to different play styles.
→ So something for the lazier, something for the 190 rpm keysmasher and so on.

How about a skill that gets stronger the faster you press the key? :joy:

I’m exclusively only play Desintegrate Sorc (I swear!!), so no advantage for me in that regard.

Are you able to hit enemies off screen? Or are your projectiles blocked by the borders of your screen?

It works off screen.

Most bow attacks will hit off-screen, as can Smite & Devouring Orb can probably be cast off-screen (even though I know it’s not the “popular” choice to not take Dark Moon.

Yeah… sorry. I know that. It was a sarcastic remark :revolving_hearts:

Not arguing that Ultrawide Screen defenitely is an advantage. I don’t wanna miss it ever!

But the main topic was that DO doesn’t work with Warpath properly. I don’t think this is intended. It’s just the result of the current skill mechanics.

Yeah! We could also increase movement speed when you click faster on the spot you wanna move to.

They could also add rhythm patterns that increase skill damage with pressing buttons in certain patterns.

Wasn’t there the myth that Focus restores mana faster if you turn clockwise while channeling? :grin:


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! humour from a German!

Certain devs have said they’d quite like to have an item or similar that would allow DO to be proc’d while Warpathing or something similar.


When exactly did i say that? Ô,ó

That is already more than achievable with many skill setup, even ones that don’t use autocasting…

The problem is, if autocasting for certain skills or setup is objectively the best choice (which is the case currently for many different builds).

This creates a scenario, were people that don’t like that playstyle are still forced to play it.

If you (or other people) are interested in lest engaging gameplay, us9ing onyl 1 or 2 buttons, that’s fine, but we need more tools for specific skills that allow all teh different playstyles to be at least decent.

Wandering Spirits without autocast is either a pain or useless. I would be totally OK to invest one skill point in a node that would recast when the cooldown expires.

I would much rather have a node that gives it a huge cooldown but alot more dmg and faster dmg delivery.

To transform it into a more direct “oh shit i need big aoe” button.

Just an example.

I understand, but I prefer the spell as it is now. In a lore point of view and in a gameplay point of view. I like the idea that an Acolyte can be permanently surrounded by spirits helping her. :wink:

It is the damned occupation administration that is troubling many of my compatriots. Fortunately, we have had a real constituent assembly going on for a few years now. It is only a question of time.

Otherwise the other people are forced to play the other playstyle more, so… it’s a circular reasoning.

+1 - True.

And what about auras or switchable abilities and the like?
→ As I said, offering more options regarding the use of individual abilities sounds quite good, to hide EVERY conceivable possibility of using all abilities in or behind a “compulsory action” (please press the button yourself if necessary, for this there is a high cooldown and hits properly) I think is wrong in total and not least at the end of the day also not less monotonous. (By the way, we already know these overhanded cooldown stories from many MMORPGs. It has always been a horror to me to wait 30 seconds for the next ability use. :slightly_smiling_face:)

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Dude I autocasted in my last mmo using a pencil on with a weight tapedon it. Finding ways to hold a button down really isn’t much of an obstacle.

Anyway tbh I’m going to wait for the stances to get w.e. changes the devs are planning before I care too much about my sustained warpath build I’m planning. First I need volatile reversal fixed to make it even worthwhile, and second I won’t care so much about orb if the stances are worth while. Having 2 slots devoted to switching from offensive to deal damage and defensive to aid recovery is a pretty likely scenario. Additionally if I don’t have to cast many skills ephemeral stance becomes much more interesting, especially since I could just volatile reversal right after any other skill is cast anyway.

Til then the only warpath build I’m considering is a dual wield bleed/ignite build since I just found the double bleed speed axe.

Also the numlock thing is a pain. I got a mouse with macro buttons so I basically have most channeled spells on a toggle. Hit once to start hit again to stop. Makes the fingers cramp less.

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I have a “plain” one, no ailments, no expanded crit, no two hander, no effect on hit/crit (EDIT: ok, these 2 axes are in a way), just 2 one handed axes named “Undisputed”. He is tanky and pure physical damage.

This thread has gone on an unexpected tangent. I’m not sure how I feel about the whole autocast thing. I probably won’t use that but I can see why some are. To bring that back to the OP I just think that two skills that were clearly meant to be used together should have better synergy than they currently do.

There are various ways for them to achieve that which wouldn’t require macros (the autocast thing IMO is really no different than using autokey or macros). It’s in LE’s best interest to just design the skills in a way that people don’t feel the need to circumvent them with macros.

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