Developer/Staff Random Echo

This is something that caught my interest in Diablo 3’s developer hell and finding the level where all the mobs were developer/staff named. The level also had a low probability to spawn but when it did it was a nice little Easter egg.

I personally think it would be interesting for an echo in any mono or maybe just a certain mono to have a 0.5% or less chance of spawning such a level so we can hack and slash through EHG staff (won’t mention any names but basically if you’re not an Orobyss supporter, imagine you’re on the list).

Maybe, I’m the only one that likes this stuff but I would put a little bit more time in if I knew I could reach such a level and have some more fun

I also say even lower than that number because it should be a little badge of honor that you had the luck or massive farm time to come across said level

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Yeah, it would be nice. I had a demon in Sacred 1 & I’m sure certain people enjoyed killing it repeatedly.


Oh wow, that’s pretty cool. Yea, if there was a llama named mob I would be obligated to look for the level to destroy it.

How do you know there isn’t? The devs have already added beer… Maybe you’ve just not been looking hard enough.

You’re telling me the devs have already implemented the hidden llama level? How do I get there?

I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you while waiting for @Sarno to kill me for saying things that must never be said. You’ll just have to try looking for yourself.

Don’t worry, if the level is implemented, he’ll be the first to go, Eterra worshippers won’t last long.

I feel the hidden llama level is a lie but if it’s not it must have to do with farming Heorot, the false god llama

Why would you farm Elk Dad? Maybe you should be focussed on the void-based (empowered) bosses?

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Trying to throw me off the scent huh…it’s clear Heorot is a llama and Rahyeh is a flying alpaca. I know one of them holds the key.

From what i gathered from some nerdy “secret hunt discussions” is, that there are definitely some secrets already in the game.

But the devs are really good in being elusive about this topic haha :smiley:

I’m not sure if there is a level, as you suggested, but maybe there is something else.

I know @QuietForMe is a big secret fan, but i am sure he will not share anything he found out yet.


Wait, you’re saying there are currently undiscovered secrets? All I’ve seen in the way of a “secret” or Easter egg is beer.

Would love to know what players have found, the secret stuff is one of my favorite aspects of these games

I will just say, there might be the possibility of some secerts C=

But that’s the thing about secerets, they should stay secrets, otherwise it’s not a secret anymore :smiling_imp:

I really liked the Hidden Path in Grim Dawn, it needed months and dozens of people working together to figure it out and once everybody knew it it lost it’s charm^^

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hey now calling me into a secret thread i dont see any new info. i feel cheated. but yeah to the OP of the thread i know things! XD

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Sorry if i made you think you can get new info here :sweat_smile:

I just wanted to tease OP xD

Well hopefully it worked now back to my den of desire to try find more things!


I want to know all your secrets!

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the fun of secret hunting is the hunt of discovery. i dont wanna ruin that for you. but i can tell you its worth it.

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This is very true but I mean …a hint won’t hurt, right? I won’t tell anyone, not even Heavy and I’ll loan you Llama8 for 15 years.

i mean everyone has a price. but i dont need llama he doesnt like the french XD. but i also dont wanna post on forums. i will say i have made some of them public already. if you know where to look

You couldn’t afford that.

I’m not sure tattooing them on your arse counts.