I would really like a Dev to confirm this: Do Artor’s Legacy and Natural Bond work together or does one supersede the other?
I’ve searched and can’t find a definitive answer. And since the minion stat tab is highly unreliable, there’s no real way to tell if only one of those two passives actually work when both are chosen.
I currently only have AL and on the minion tab it shows 79% Increased Minion Damage, which can’t possibly be right. AL alone says 85% and I have another 49% with affixes. Increased Minion Melee Damage is at 210% which seems closer to being correct, but neither the passives nor the affixes specify Melee Damage. No idea what the math really is, and lacking a combat log, or more importantly, an actual number for the companion’s Damage per Second (it shows a number for Venom Nova) there’s only the unreliable “eyeball” test to determine the truth.
Thank you.
Update: I went ahead and selected NB (after backing up save file) and nothing whatsoever changed in the Minion tab. And yes, I re-summoned the Scorpion. And just for kicks I summoned the Bear, the Raptor and then the Wolves and no changes to the Minion stats (didn’t expect any).