Dev Appreciation Thread

This forum is full of people offering their critiques, suggestions, or sometimes just downright b**ing about something they don’t like. For most of us, this is aimed at helping the devs dial in that fine balance between what features should be in the game, how much of what needs to be there, what balance looks like, and so on.

However, it might be easy for us–and the devs–to get caught up in the negativity. Let’s face it, we’re only human. We’re kind of wired to bias this way.

So let’s flip that on its head!

This thread is for people to share the things they really appreciate about the game’s features, design, and our extremely hard-working devs. Let’s try to keep the debate side of it to a minimum as there are plenty of other threads for that, and you’re free to start a new one if something comes up that you really disagree with.

Let’s make this the kind of thread that if a dev is having a bad day, he/she can come here for some inspiration and encouragement!

To start, I just love the animations on so many things in the game. There aren’t too many ARPGs where I’ll be running by, smashing the map, and something catches my eye so I just stop to get a good look at it. The Maruna Sirens are a great example of this. Their little dance-like melee attack is so neat and the models are very appealing. Lagon’s temple was another one. It reminds me of the Seabed level from Phantasy Star Online–which was one of my favorite places to be, aesthetically.


My default position is ‘critique’, so this thread is made for me, because I am appreciative far more than I am critical, but I do not often take the time to express it. I love the community of nice people. I love that the forums are full of discussions about concepts (which I enjoy) and that everyone makes a great effort to not make things personal (which I do not enjoy). I love that the game tries a whole lot of elements that might never take off (hello melee crows). So far, I love the style of growth and monetization, as well as the developers sharing their decision making thoughts. I like that the timelines are ‘when it’s ready’. Not because I demand perfection, but because it allows for humanity in hiring/workday practices (though only insiders would know if this opportunity is being capitalized upon). I like that content creators are constantly proving me wrong in informative ways. I like that me, a filthy casual who started playing very early on, can enjoy the game without ever having crafted a decent piece of gear, or beaten an end game boss, and that my efforts to keep the game viable for both hardcore and casual gamers are respected and not ridiculed. I especially love that the coding skills, which are mysterious to me, afford me the chance to strategize and synergize - Things I’ve loved about all games from birth. Most of all, I like this thread idea, which appeared literally seconds after I had gone through a similar thought experiment.
Thanks Dev’s I appreciate you more than you could gleam from a mere forum.


I was feeling the same way and thought, “Man, it sure would suck if I was a dev and all I heard was complaints! How about a little credit?”

I really do appreciate the devs and the game. I can be extremely critical sometimes, so this is my “Thank you!” to the devs, and I hope plenty of others will join me in that.


Hear, hear

The one thing that I appreciate more than anything in the game is the the EHG staff and devs involvement with the community…

Hands down the most refereshing and positive interaction I have ever experienced in a development process - especially related to game development.

It is wonderful to have a company director / game founder or senior developer chip in on a seemingly inane thread to make a funny remark or spend their valuable time explaining that they have tested an issue a billion times (@EHG_Mike)…

Its great to have AMAs and Q&A streams with Judd and others where every decision is explained and even changed based on the communities input…

Anyway… you get the idea… Honestly, I feel like a bloody fanboi… arggh, its time for me to end it all!!!


This cannot be overstated!

Well, I could use this thread to say all the positive things I have to say about Last Epoch and EHG. But I won’t. Because I’m sure there is a maximum post size and I would exceed it. :wink:

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I agree, the engagement of the devs with the community is awesome. Though do think that @EHG_Mike should have his beard shaved for charity (& absolutely nothing to do with the ensuing horror of seeing his face nekkid on the next stream).


How about a few highlights then? :clinking_glasses:

I could write down a tons of points right now, but one thing is the most important one in my point of view:

I’m a Fullstack Software Developer myself, not for Games (maybe someday lol) but for every kind of Application instead and i know how hard it can be to be close to the costumer and at the same time bring up some of your own ideas into the pool and be professional on top of all that.
I worked in some companies where they had tons of scrum meetings like retro and all this and everyone always said “we have to get closer to our costumers, costumer centricity is the most important thing” and it never happened.

So im happy that this company, or more this team found a way to solve this big problem and solved it on a good way imo.
Keep it up, even when you grow more and more and you will get a lot more players for sure.

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TLDR - We want more Stream/Beard Time @EHG_Mike


i myself have the impression that the devs have a strong vision of the arpg they want to make, while staying open-minded to community feedback and some experimentations, to see how things will play out.
Overall I really like what they delivered so far.


I know the last 2 were kinda short but this week will be back to the longer format because I’ll be much less busy.

Also, love this thread, makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


You’d feel less warm & fuzzy outside if you shaved your beard for charity, but warmerer & fuzzierer on the inside.

I am told this is a good thing.


I imagine there was a bit of crunch leading up to this patch. Hope you all enjoy some much needed R&R after that. It’s obvious you guys put a ton of work into it.

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What is it that I like about LE?

This game and dev team has brought back hope and faith to game development for me.

My last 2 games that I was ready to dive in were Anthem and Wolcen. I really did not want to play video games anymore after these failures. But the good things that were written on the Wolcen Reddit about LE made me try.

I wrote my first feedback threads in 2018 and collected my first :heart:. So I went on and also got answers from devs, that shared their thoughts with me. I never felt that welcome in an online community.

It really feels like I can take part in the development by sharing ideas and opinions. I had this feeling ever since and long before becoming a Community Tester.

I think in that regard - the community work of EHG - this is a lighthouse for other developers to learn from.

About the game itself… I wrote a steam feedback after round about 90 hours into the game where I stated that in terms of graphics LE is not and propably will never be competitive with other games like Wolcen or the upcoming Diablo 4 and PoE 2.

I was wrong. The game evolved graphically and looks beautiful. Maybe it’s because I look at this games graphics almost every day and got used to it. But this an only be part of the truth. The other part is that EHG did a great job and put in much effort so far to make LE be a good looking game (despite using Unity Engine).

Thanks EHG, for this experience!

And please bring Multiplayer, the missing Masteries and Fashion to Eterra, soon! :innocent:



I was just thinking about something I really appreciate.

So far, the devs here try to keep the community friendly and constructive, but they’re not heavy-handed when someone trips up or pushes a line a bit. I can’t tell you how many devs/PRMs/CMs I have seen whose ego just kills the desire to engage in proper discussion, feedback, and general community shenanigans. From what I have seen, they have definite boundaries but are fair and understanding toward their players.

This kind of thing means a lot to me.

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