Detonate Arrow+Jelkhors+Explosive Trap "Hold This"

What went wrong?
[Log File] - I don’t think this is necessary for this. It may not be a bug, but a missed interaction between items and skills? - Attached video of interaction not working.

The interaction between “Detonate Arrow” with Jelkhor’s Blast Knife causes Detonate arrow to obtain the “Melee” tag, and Explosive Traps “Hold This” states “Whenever you hit an enemy with a melee attack you attach an explosive trap to that enemy”; however, this interaction is not working with Detonate Arrow+Jelkhors but is working with a basic melee attack.

After looking at the Falconer tree (explosive trap) I kinda had my hopes set high on this interaction. I am a little sad to see it not working :frowning: .

As much as I am a little disapointed to see this not working, still think you guys at EHG are doing an awesome job. Hopefully this can get fixed! :slight_smile:

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Yeah i’d rather specialize the trap with the cold shred than the decoy. Kinda sad it doenst work.

Just tested on target dummy as well and can confirm not interacting as a ‘melee’ attack with Hold This. Would love to see this updated. Only hit level 75 before I checked. :slight_smile: On to the Warlock!

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Same here. It would be really great if this will be fixed.