Desynch Issue

I enjoy playing SSFHC and I have been doing it online since start of league, I had my 3rd death now due to desync. I would be normally playing, and then all the mobs freeze, and I move, sometimes my character is also frozen but can move (like they are gliding across the ground). I have no trust this will be fixed anytime soon, so I thought I would ask if same thing would happen if I play Offline mode? Really sad that I cannot enjoy this game due to this issue.


No such things for me in 450h of gameplay in offline mode.

Facing the same issue after starting to play in this cycle 2 days back.
Max 30-40min play time before I have to relog-in from character select. Sometimes even instant after entering my first echo for the playthrough .

Did flush dns and all that but not working for me. Did you find any fix?

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According to this thread matching the issue i’m experiencing, i’ll share my post, that i already posted in the creators discord, right here to push this topic:

Hey guys, thanks for an awesome patch! But since release their has been an issue with gamesync that occurs quite frequently. I’m not a technical expert and not sure, if this is even the right spot to post, but sometimes characters seem to get desynched, but still in control of the player, showing the following symptoms:

UI is not updating properly,
-the possibility for character movement is not matching the minimap/environment,
-Monsters seem to get desynced as well and are not shown, if you get to far away of the point, where the desync started,
-Monster’s healthbars remain on the screen, if emptied as the are dead
just the healthbar above the character indicates, that it’s loosing life.

So this bug occured not only for me, but some other content creators as well.
My friend terence_ died to it yesterday on a high lvl HC character ( Twitch ) and i died almost on my 1st character on lvl 98 while pushing to 100 ( Twitch ).
Just ALT + F4 saved me, as i could not use portal as well.
Finally started a new character, leveled till chapter 5 with several occasions of this bug, to finally die to it, just before ending the stream yesterday. Just taking notice, when i logged back in right now. A bug report of mine is already out, containing a quite similar wall of text like this, that i submitted yesterday (Twitch ).
As i said, this is happening quite frequently for many players, as my twitch chat has confirmed it happening to them, too.

As a hardcore player and content creator, i would really appreciate you guys fixing this issue asap, if it’s possible.
Just wanted to give you this feedback and highlight the issue, as it may have impact on more and more players being hesitant to actually enjoy your awesome game!

much love :heart:

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Having the exact same issue.

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Played offline, I got desync there too, quest log keeps bugging out, really poor performance. Expected better from the team.

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I play Online mode.
But this trouble happens anytime, anywhere…
Even if I fighting with Aberroth. :fearful:

Yes it happens to me too. I asked in Discord to see if there was a workaround since I wasn’t sure it was a bug, but maybe my computer. The response was cryptic since originally it sounded as it was a bug and it was reported and then I was told it may be my computer. Still no sign of this bug in the tracker or any mentions that they know it is happening.
Sadly, many times it happens at the worst time like if you have a good drop you been farming, or you spawn a boss or a nemesis.

I reported this bug twice and nothing as well.

bump bump bump bump bump bump