Dear DEV's

Hootsandloots — Today at 2:07 PM
Dear Dev’s, I believe in this game and you staff have the potential to make this game great, however, a lot of us paid for a game that we can play, that we can play online and not just offline. This whole experience feels bad, It feels like we bought a car from you, paid it off, paid for it to work/to be able to drive places with it, we made good on our end we paid in full, but you left us with a car that the engines runs, but the transmission is broke, and your like… you can still warm up the car, you can even listen to music too? At this point in time you can only get so much mileage out were a small company, especially when this game had a good amount of yrs in beta. Even at this moment in time I can’t get even login to offline mode. Pls there must be a better way to make things right , w/the the Epoch community then a cape, that appears no one cares about, maybe giving items that are more meaningful to their gameplay experience?Don’t get me wrong I wish and hope for the best with this game gg