Dear developers Fix this bug with boss immortality

Dear developers
I have an idea to make the game a little better
It’s simply impossible to play. In every 3 boss battles, a bug occurs where neither the boss nor the player takes damage.

maybe its just lag. Or an intentional block like at Lagon, where you cant kill him before 2nd stage anymore…

I had this bug the first time I fought a Harbinger, but it went away and I’ve killed a few of them without seeing it again.

I get this error even on normal monolithic bosses. It even happens 2-3 times in a row on the same boss (and after each error I restart the game)
The most annoying thing is when the boss has less than 10% of his life left.
Absolutely disgusting gaming experience

No, that’s not it at all. All of these bosses do not have the same phase as Lagon.
The boss’s health bar simply freezes and does not move. The longest it lasted was 2 minutes, then I turned off the game

You should really be posting this in the “Bug Reports” section of the forums, to ensure it is seen as a bug report. Here’s the thread I started when it happened to me, if you’d like to add.

I did think it was server/connection related, because it happened randomly at different stages of the fight for me, but it only ever happened on a Harbinger. I havent seen it in a few days now.

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