Dead HC toon can't use CoF items in SC

You keep missing the point. Right now, if you want to fully gear with MG gear, you have to switch to MG and have MG drops.
What you’re proposing means that I can have full MG gear AND STILL HAVE CoF DROPS! I can have both. Nothing in your system prevents this. It’s double-dipping. And it’s even worse for legacy where most people will already have both factions with full rank at cycle start.

I would have one of the stronger characters as MG and I would play it once a week or every 2 weeks. That would be more than enough to get loads of favour and gold.

You keep missing the point. I have a level 100 character that does, let’s say 800 corruption, so we don’t even get into the ultra broken stuff. I play for one day and I get a huge amount of favour, such that it isn’t relevant anymore for buying/selling costs. I also get a bunch of decent gear to sell in the meantime.
Now I buy a full set of leveling gear for my new level 1 character. And I buy a full set of mid-level gear for my level 1 character. And I buy a full set of endgame gear for my level 1 character.
Then I log to my level 1 character, I choose CoF, I have 100% uptime on CoF benefits, and once I start leveling up I simply equip MG stuff.
There’s nothing in your system that prevents this.

I was talking about BiS gear, including 4LP red rings.

That is what I’ve been saying from the start. You just kept missing my point.
And yes, it only works for alts. But in legacy every new character is an alt.

You don’t need to. You just need to log back to your OP MG character and farm for a while.

The loss of prophecies I do understand because it probably makes a mess having prophecies lying around which you have to ignore. So it’s probably easier to simply delete them. It’s not like you’ll need them anyway, those aren’t account wide, they’re just for that character and can be considered part of the penalty.

As for the favour loss, I agree with you, there’s no need for it.

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Yeah, true.
I’m still not perfectly on board, after all… to achieve that MG gear you would’ve needed to first acquire the favor and Gold.

Which I agree… in the current state it wouldn’t be a good thing.

But once again, take it like this.
Remove Gold, instead use a currency only dropped while aligned with MG. So you can’t buy MG items without being absolutely aligned with them.

Also scaling favor costs, so the better the gear the more it costs as a baseline and the more favor it needs because of the costs.

Wouldn’t this alleviate the whole issue since you can’t cross between the Factions anymore?

This wouldn’t solve anything because your main source of gold is still selling stuff on MG. So you’d just be shifting what you farm.

Farming favour in high corruption is easy, though.
You either increase the costs so much that only the people that play 10h a day can afford to buy it (which, granted, would solve the double dipping, but would alienate most other players) or it’s still accessible to most, meaning nothing really changed.

Exactly. But it nonetheless solves it.

So, if you don’t pay with gold and don’t get gold from MG you need to hence actively interact with the MG mechanic to acquire the respective currency + trade with others for that respective currency. Also… taxation for a sink.

So, no matter how much gold you make in CoF you wouldn’t be able to use a single piece for gear. It has to 100% come from MG, time input being 100% MG.
Hence… it’s solely cut down to the time-investment, you can’t cut that aspect down, favor is not a limiting factor (despite it being supposed to be) for acquisition of items.
The alternative is specifically adjusted favor costs to item power which is deducted as a background math which aligns with tier levels, item base, unique type, LP, FP… basically anything which is tied to how good of an item it is and can likely become. But that’s harder to implement.

Both enforce that you would need to invest the time, which hence would allow no double-dipping… hence removing the need for the limitation in the first place since using the gear can be fully derived from the interacting with MG itself.

A example of how that would be in another way… imagine playing PoE and putting time into… Devle for example, on the search for a specific drop with a specific affix only available there. Hence it’s a unique outcome you only can get there. You need to invest the time, that investment is substantial enough to warrant the outcome to be used everywhere else. Like in Heist, or the baseline maps of PoE. You don’t need to limit it since it needs the effort to achieve, hence allowing you to use it freely since you’ve properly ‘earned it’.

It would be similar.

If you can buy a 50 million item only by playing 10 hours for a few days then well… yes, sure!
It’s solely about aligning it with the effort of the gold cost, to ensure that the acquired gold is actually acquired through the proper time investment and not by - solely at least, it would help overall - finding that one lucky drop and being immediately mr. rich that’s fully decked out from nothing.

It really doesn’t though. There’s no difference between selling items for 2 billion gold or for 2 billion MGMcGuffin. The only thing this prevents is adding your CoF gold to your MG character, but the gold CoF can farm vs the gold MG can farm is already irrelevant.
So farming for a day or two would still be enough to get the gear, only now you pay with a different name.

You already can’t with gold. The amount of gold you can make with MG is already way superior to the amount you can make with CoF. Getting the occasional double reward on a gold echo doesn’t make up for all the stuff you sell as MG. It’s meaningless.
So the amount of time you need to spend farming with your uber MG character remains the same, you just changed the name.

You can make much more than that, even in a single day. And even more if you luck out on a decent drop, like 2LP shackles or something, which wouldn’t be that impossible to get since you’re farming at high corruption.
Plus, the egg gives way to higher LP gear and you’re bound to get a few as well.

But even without that, you could already make that much in 1.0. You just need to know what to sell and focus entirely on farming to sell. Which, again, is not hard at higher corruptions.

Well, then that leaves the favor scaling as the only viable adjustment for that part at least.

The alternative currency hence for making Lightless Arbor a proper mechanic again which someone will think about at least :stuck_out_tongue:

Context is key. We are discussing a hypothetical: if CoF/MG did not have faction locked items for personal use.

Honestly, I think the way it is now is fine as is, except for losing all your favour. You should lose the character stuff, like prophecies and the ability to use the other faction gear, but the global stuff should remain the same.
Factions are supposed to be a semi-permanent playstyle choice. But if you realize you don’t like that one and want to change, losing favour feels almost as bad as losing a rank.

So either remove the favour loss or just lock the choice like you do with mastery. Either would be fine with me.

I mean… I get where you’re coming from there.

But… never take the toys from a kid away basically. It just feels bad to be forced to give up stuff you already earned, double-dipping potential or not.
The better option is generally to circumvent that.

And yeah, the favor stuff is odd, also prophecies vanishing is as well, needing or not. Should I decide to come back they should still be there, simply inactive in the meanwhile. Makes more sense overall.

Yes, that is an alternative, the wishy-washy in-between doesn’t bode well despite having more actual choice and options.
Leads back to not having enough character slots though, so not a solution for the moment.

I find this ironic given that you answered me in the autopickup thread:

So which is it? Can you take away a kid’s toys or should you never do it? :stuck_out_tongue:

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If you do it… do it once and never give it back :stuck_out_tongue: Better?

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