Data Mined The Game- Found These

It’s called balance.

By your logic, why not have 50 affixes per item so we can add them all and not have to choose?


That is the most stupid thing I have read in a while. Yes the game had 6 affixes a looooong time ago, but taking away maximum number of affixes is not a handicap, if the game is balanced around that amount of affixes, quite the opposite, it makes affixes more interesting and meaningful.

Why do we not have 300 passives points to spend? Why do the devs handicap us in only having 113 passive points…


It was never enabled in the first place.

Likely from alpha, since it wasn’t 6 from 0.7.x when I joined.

You’re assuming the values were (or would be) the same with 6 affixes.


Just reporting on what i found so far- questions of balance and why is not really something i can answer. I agree 7 would be op


As for my intentions- like i said i was testing builds, because i got bored of live, [Redacted] As i dug deeper i found stuff, and wanted to share it.

I suppose that is a lesson- if players are happy with gearing processes, they will be playing the game instead of being on forums [Redacted] to have fun. This was almost envitable out of boredom.

No you didn’t said that anywhere here in this thread :smiley:
I still find it strange, because nothing of what you “datamined” is any new info.
And most of the stuff you presumably “found” doesn’t even reflect things that you actually can get ingame. So there is absolutely no merit there for anykind of character building…

Totally depends on the affix values. If they were 2/3 of the current values then you’d have the same stat budget but greater flexibility with where you got those stats from & depending on the “required” values you could either have less over capping or more.

That doesn’t mean that those people can understand what they’re looking at though, that require skill & knowledge/experience.

Some off it certainly, like the idols with legendary affixes.

That’s true but it’s not exactly like I am doing physics. I do make AI videos [Redacted] over 70K hours in gaming. So I have some basic ability to poke around.

Not very hard especially with unity

If you make a game, people can open it like a tincan. The engine is irrelevant. Which is why no DRM-protection has ever lasted.


Yes, but you also thought that legendary idols were a thing in the game’s code but not droppable. It’s not just “can I press the buttons to get access to the data”, making sense of it is a thing as well & that only comes with experience.

Not really, we know that in live they never drop with LP, which means that something is stopping them from being dropped. But they show up in the database as legendries. Something does not usually happen with no accident. Which means either idols should be dropping with LP but its not- which is a bug. Or B, they been locked. Knowing that Temporal sanctum does not accept idols, the thing is not accidental.

Just me using logic

No, they show up in LE tools as uniques. Uniques are not legendaries.

It’s not a bug, it’s never been a bug, the devs don’t want them to drop with LP. There’s several ways they could have coded it.

And an editor to override the dev coding that doesn’t give us idols with LP to enable them to have LP & saying “hey guys, you can get idols to drop with LP”. You wouldn’t have seen that if you’d just been “poking around the data”, it’s an artifact of the editor you were using to force the game to drop stuff that it wouldn’t ordinarily allow being dropped, which I don’t have an issue with, until you then go around spouting that this stuff can drop:

That’s not true because not all idols can have legendary potential. If they where just gaining LP because they where items they would all have the option to do so.

But that is not the case. Only some of them have it. I can’t spawn items that don’t appear under a category. I can’t spawn crossbows because they are not listed under it.

Same way I can’t spawn the idols as legendary. [Redacted] those idols where made with the option to have LP.

No, Llama is right. They are uniques and they can’t drop with LP and can’t become Legendary.


Hmm. I will take your word for it Mike- for now. But it does make me wonder why the in game tool tips automatically call it Legendary and why only some idols are available.

Thanks for the clarification thou. I will default to your statement- because I think you would not lie to me and the others

I removed the idol section from my video- as I will take Mikes word for it. Thanks

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:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: I mean, he’s only a dev & one of the designers, I’m sure he’s the one mixing his terminology up…

They don’t, you are mistaken. When the game refers to a legendary, it always & only ever means the output of the Temporal Sanctum crafting mechanic. It doesn’t mean uniques, exalteds, sets or whatever you’ve decided you want it to mean. Or what other games have it mean (& D3 is the biggest culprit here 'cause they changed from calling uniques uniques in D2 or legendaries in D3).

That’s very generous of you. Maybe you’ve started to move up the Dunning Kruger scale! This is progress & a (non-sarcastic) good thing.

And while that’s interesting that not all idols can be forced to have LP over the games internal rules. I’d be curious to know why some can & some can’t, given that when the game creates them legitimately none of them can have LP.

I am only going based of the tool tips which are in the image, and of the categorization.

Taking his word for it, because I got no proof to dispute the contrary- But I always assume I am being lied to. Me accepting the statement does not change the fact, I will take any statements from the devs with massive skepticism’s as they not earned my trust back since the server issues with 1.0. I highlighted it above in my statement “you would not lie to me and the others” as a form of irony.

If I found out 3 years later that the game gets legendary idols, I am gonna throw a fit of rage.

That’s why I still think the statements above are false. But time will tell

Because you used an editor to force the game to drop idols with legendary affixes. The tooltip is an effect not a cause.

This does not help you. It’s also quite a sad outlook on life that people are lieing to you.

You know those are two very different & unrelated situations don’t you?

You do you. But are you aware that things can change in that kind of timeframe?



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