Dancing Strikes bug (rythm + Windmill Ballet/Hidden Blades) + Video

Hi, i’ve been playing Dancing strike builds a lot of times since several years and there’s always been a build ruining bug with rythm stacks :

  • Rythm node alone allows us perfectly to stack Rythm Stacks, giving us more global damage, hitting one enemy with any sequence of Dancing Strikes will give us one stack. It it not difficult to reach 10 stacks and sometimes even keep then between two packs of monsters.

  • If we add the nodes Windmill Ballet (= pro shuriken on n° 2 and n°4 attacks), it makes stacking Rythms much more difficult.

  • IIf we add Hidden Blades node (= proc Shadow Cascade on first attack), it becomes even worse, it’s almost impossible to stack anything.

Here’s a video when i start without Windmill Ballet and hidden Blades, everything works perfectly. Then i add Hidden Blade and it starts to become complicated, then Windmill Ballet and it makes Rythm (= 5 points) almost useless as a node.

(Rythm stacks are the green/black one)

The difference is obvious. I do have the feeling Windmill Ballet makes 2nd and 4rth attack of Dancing Strikes unable to register as DS attacks, and Hidden Blade does the same for the first attack. Only the 3rd one seems to still be registered as an original DS attack and proc Rythm stacks, but i cannot be sure of that.

Been talking with other players feeling the same, it makes the right part of the tree useless if used in combination with attacks proc’ing other skills, and as it is really easy to be starved with points when using Dancing Strikes, it kills the diversity of the skill and the work which i know you already made on it to make it more versatile and playable.

This bug has been breaking DS for years now, i should have report it much sooner, sorry.

I can give other informations or anything related if needed, thanks for reading and thanks for LE which is an awesome game !

I see the issue. We’ll work on a fix for this. Thanks for the detailed report!

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Thank you so much for your attention and the quick answer !