Dagger Dance

It says the daggers are thrown. If you have Shadow Cascade, which does not say “thrown” on it, and you have dagger dance, esp the ‘no melee’ version, is it still ‘melee’ or does it become ‘thrown’?

The daggers are throwing attacks, but I don’t think (from memory) that the skill swaps the melee tag for throwing. But the daggers scale with throwing attack damage effects.

That would seem logical, but do we know this to be true? The skills change tages on the damage type e.g. physical to fire, but they don’t in terms of melee to thrown.

Came to also bring up this point, and after seeing the wise-Llama’s point I decided to test for myself. I can confirm that +Throw damage does effect Shadow Cascade Hurricane of Blades node.

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Sounds fair, ty all.

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