Cycle Refresh - I feel robbed and cheated

I only had one cycle character, a lv 99 beastmaster. When the refresh happened today, I lost all my money and all my Merchant’s Guild progress. Now I can’t even play the character since all his gear is Merchant’s guild. And even if I did have my guild progress, I wouldn’t be able to progress my character cause they removed all my money? So what’s the deal? EHG, it feels like you are just trying to piss off players at this point.

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Search is your friend:
PSA for Now Legacy Characters: Your Faction Reputation and Stash Isn’t Missing

(not to mention the thread about this very issue created a few hours ago)


DJSamhein single-handedly saving all of the noobs.

Keep up the great work :smiley:


Thanks for that. There should definitely be a pop-up for this in game. I even searched the forum before making my post.

There’s a lot to be desired in the way they implemented this. For starters, when you click on the top left button to view other stashes, it takes 10+ seconds to load (and looks like the game freezes, which will cause some players to restart). Then there’s the issue of retrieving your items? How in the world do they expect us to transfer them to the usable stash? You’d have to make multiple (hundreds for some people) of trips of you filling your inventory, switching to main stash, unloading, and coming back (all the while it takes 10+ secs to switch stashes). This will easily take hours. Could of easily let us right-click a stash tab to make it normal.

Yes, this is likely a bug. This has also been happening when opening your regular stash, so obviously something isn’t good with this system. You can use the bug report tool in-game, but I’m sure by now they’re very aware of this and looking for solutions already.

Yes, this can be annoying, but you can also just leave your tabs as remove-only and only take things out as you need them. There is no easy universal solution for this. People only consider the first time this happens and not the next times when your legacy tabs are already full.

If you already have a bunch of tabs and the next one would cost 500k gold, this would mean that you could simply reach the tab limit (200) very cheaply by buying them in cycles and waiting for refresh. Many players don’t play cycle (especially for now as both legacy and cycle have the exact same content), so this wouldn’t be fair to them.

The best solution for getting tabs from cycles would be one Mike once said he’d like to do which is that the gold you spend on tabs in cycle gets used for tabs in legacy. So if you have 0 tabs in legacy and you buy 20 in cycle, you get 20 tabs in legacy. And if you then buy another 20 in the next cycle, you’d get another 8 (or however many that gold would give you).

There is a reason why no game automatically transfers your gear at cycle end. They all use the remove-only method and you have to manually move them.
Yes, it’s a bit annoying having to waste some time doing that, but you only do it once a cycle. And many players don’t even log to legacy at all, just create new cycle characters while ignoring (or deleting) the old ones.

So trying to come up with a system that only just really affects the small portion of players that played cycle and then move to legacy isn’t really worth the effort (since it’s been established that it’s not an easy issue) just to save a few hours every few months.

That is not to say that I don’t empathize with you. But this is just one of those things you have to live with.

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If you have questions you can ask in the forums, lots of ppl will try and help

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I get what you’re saying about the tabs. But why not just let me pay the cost for them while implementing my suggestion (be able to change your remove-only tabs to normal tabs via the right-click edit menu)? So I pay for the cost of the tab in that menu. Seems fair to me. It’s just making it a lot more convenient (would have to pay for those tabs anyways). The solution Mike put forward is even better. But while they have it like it is, it would be simpler to implement my solution.

A big reason players don’t play legacy at all is cause these ARPG games make it such a darn hassle. That’s the only reason I gave up playing legacy (or whatever its called there) in POE. Because it was such a nightmare managing my stash. I wanted to finish my character in POE but was so demotivated by the utterly unmanageable mess they made of my stash and the amount of work it would take to fix.

Sure, that could also be a solution. Or maybe a mix of both. Or even both in conjunction with stash layout presets.

Yeah, I can understand that. In PoE I have way way way many more remove-only tabs (I never touched them, basically). Affinities make some of them easier to handle, but it’s still a lot. Although, as mentioned, you can just leave them as remove-only and only take stuff from them when you need it.

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