Cut to the chase, what is the best Druid Transform build?

Hi all. I go into druid to play a swarmblade / serpent build. With the recent serpent nerf this build is a dead end for high corruption play.

Are there any S tier Druid builds?

Lightning swarmblade druid would be your power pick

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Depends on your gear. Some of them will go further then others, but druid is for most part, do it as the devs prescribed it, not my way kind of mastery. I found spriggan easier to gear, followed by werebear.

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ā€œbut druid is for most part, do it as the devs prescribed itā€ Yea this is what I am discovering, you HAVE to take xy skills cause those are the only ones that can proc off transform skills. You cant resummon companions unless you go out of your form. IT kinda sucksā€¦

Perry The Pig killed Aberroth with Serpentstrike swarmblade POST nerf ā€¦

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Ye i got my druid to lvl 80. Then was getting mad. Druid feels like sorc. Needs a major rework along with beast master.

Noā€¦ he kills aborath in about 3.5 minutes not 35 seconds. AND he calls the build a failure in that video.

3.5 min is long, but how much of that is waiting on the 3 phases of ward to decay? Not watching the guide. Boss clear should be in my opinion under 1 min- not counting ward phases ofc as that is just time to run away

In the video he describes the damage as ā€œgoodā€ but the defenses as lacking, which for a CC character means less face tank time which means less damage on target. So in his opinion the build is dead ended and he is giving up on it for now.

To be fair, that is something that is consistent with D&D druid, where you canā€™t use any spells or most skills when transformed either.
Thatā€™s not to say that they couldnā€™t have changed it so we can, but they do have a basis for it.

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Yea the issue is that you are locked into a VERY limited and non synergistic set of skills when in your transform state. Swarm blade pretty much has to take tornados, maelstrom, serpent strike cause those are the only skills that proc when you are in form. If you take an idol you can have thorn totems, So thatā€™s what you have to take, even though those skills only have limited synergy with each other.

I agree. Transformations in Primalist are very limiting in what you can do. Lich feels better in that regard, even if itā€™s an older mastery that needs some tweaking by now.

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My bad I should have watched more attentively, it was the first harbinger that died in 35 seconds.

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Np. I make mistakes like that all the time. And yea 35 seconds to 3.5 minutes, the serpent nerf killed the build. It is now a glass cannon without the cannon.

I can try a spriggin form beastmaster and let you know how that is, lol. Thatā€™s the only unlock I can get in a BM.

I donā€™t pay attention to meta,

But I think Frostbite totem spriggan druid is really fun. I also really enjoy Werebear. Dr3adful made a very strong werebear that casts a ton of tornadoes (with storm bolts node), turns into bear to regen mana to full, then back to human form for more tornado casts. Worth looking into as a ā€œgood buildā€

This is technically a Transform build, but he only uses it for Mana refill :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks! he is also taking advantage of the 40% multi on storm bolts in bear form. Each bolt is considered a new cast so his bear form bonus applies even though he cast the tornado as human.