Hello. I can’t imagine this has not been suggested before, but some options regarding cursor size would be nice. I am colorblind and have poor eyesight so that small tiny cursor ingame gets lost on my screen very easily. I use Yolomouse when I remember to but it would be a lot better to just have easy access to adjust the visibilty of the cursor ingame. Maybe 2-3 variations and 2-3 sizes.
Thank you!
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Like you I’m color blind and find playing games like L/E D3 etc very hard until I found Yolomouse. It’s on Steam and cost £3.49. It can change your cursor, color, and size. Made gaming enjoyable again. Hope I helped
Having vision problems myself, being able to choose a larger cursor, along with a high contrast color would be great. Even when there isn’t much going on I can lose the cursor, it just blends in with the background too well.
As I said above Yollomouse is the answer
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As Vineuk said, Yolomouse (on Steam) is a great solution to the cursor issue in game.
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