Current State of Melee Druid

This video was kinda prompted from this post where I have also added some of my views on Melee Werebear Where are the good melee DPS non-EQ perma-Werebear builds? - #2 by GoldenExperience

This video is to showcase how bad melee Werebear is despite using a build to push as much damage out of Maul as possible ( Slotting in a sub-optimal Earthquake is simply better ( and can achieve an Aberroth kill in less time than it takes Werebear to bring him to half HP. Keep in mind the Earthquake is very unoptimized and would be much better with different gear, skill levels and on a Beastmaster.

There is a common problem I believe with a lot of the transformation skills. The base abilities are really bad and lack support, like Maul, Armblade Slash, Spirit Thorns, Swarm Strike. These are not viable skills, these are what I would call ‘Cinder Strike’ skills they’re not meant to deal damage, they just give buffs and proc other skills or ailments just so REAL skills can do actual damage (In Druid’s case this is typically Storm Bolts).

I feel like this is really wasted design and these skills could use REALLY substantial buffs or just full out reworks to be viable.

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