Culnivar's Claim and transforms

EHG is apparently aware of this issue as it has been brought up a couple times in the bug reports forum. For those that don’t know if you try to use a transform skill with this item equipped it will immediately revert you back to human form. Do you think it is a bug? Do you think that EHG knowing about this and not doing anything yet is a “lets see how this plays out” situation or a “we just don’t have time for this yet” situation?

I ask because I’ve been having fun with a ward based shaman build that would get completely wrecked if this interaction is changed and want to get a general consensus before I really put more time into it.

Probably gonna have to ask Mike that one…

Yup, it’s already been reported.

Or, not…

I think the OP just wants it confirmed that it will be fixed so that he doesnt bother with the build he has created that uses this…

Yep that’s it

Perry the Pig put out a video showing the defensive capabilities of “flickering” in and out of a form with this weapon today. You can generate a hefty amount of ward. Would be interesting to keep that interaction around in some form, even if this unique wasn’t intended to function in that capacity with rage.

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Not doing anything? Are you sure?
They may be waiting for the next patch. It is clearly OP, but there is no reason to release a dedicated patch right now. This can follow the normal patch agenda.
It sounds exactly like EQ Werebear. They knew it was OP, they nerfed it in a way it still works but is not OP anymore. I’m pretty confident they’re doing the same with this issue.

I mean I dont see why not, its doing exactly what its supposed to.

Mike has commented in the discord saying that rage is actually just orange mana, and anything that interacts with mana interacts with rage.

So because your rage is full when you shift, culnivars eats it giving you ward and you revert back to human form. You should still need to wait for the CD of the transform(Ive never tried this build/interaction)

But on paper it looks like if they did change it would go against how rage and the item works specifically.

That sounds exactly like what is happening…which is weird as some items which technically only apply to rage or mana (as stated in the item) are applying to both. So, I am a little confused as to what should apply when and what shouldn’t.

Yes, but the Rage generation from Vines isn’t supposed to be translated into mana generation when not in a form so it’s not as simple as Rage = orange Mana.

Is thats whats happening here? I dont actually play the build that uses this so I dont know.

I just know that whatever people are doing culnivars, if its as simple as pressing a form then immediately going back to human, that sounds exactly like whats supposed to happen. if then vines are generating mana, yeah thats a bug.

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