Crafting a ruby ring. Started with a normal ring. All T1s were crafted with Stability glyph. Remaining T2+ affixes were crafted with Guardian glyph. At this point it has 3 T2 mods (strength, crit chance and cold resist) and T1 physical resistance. I craft T2 physical resistance and get a crit success also on physical resist. I then craft T3 crit and fracture on T3 strength. When I remove the ring from the Forge it only has T1 physical resistance.
Windows 10 up to date. Steam up to date. Last Epoch up to date. Nvidia 471.41.Player.log (22.7 KB)
If you got a destructive fracture it could have lowered your Physical Resistance. I would assume this is what happened. I would look out for this again and try to notice what kind of fracture happened when an affix decreased.
A destructive fracture can remove more than one tier? It would be good if this was noted on the item instead of flashed in a pop-up. I sometimes get distracted.
As per the “Instability & Fractures” section of the game guide:
You may have received either a Damaging or Destructive fracture. Though, it was likely a Damaging fracture at those tier levels and using guardian glyphs.
I would agree. It’s a fairly small indicator box that only stays on the screen for a couple of seconds with no visual indication to which affix (or affixes) received the reduction to their tier (or tiers) if it was a damaging/destructive fracture. It could certainly be better communicated to the user.