Last Epoch crash everything on my pc just freeze and I have to hard reboot my pc
Already repair, reinstal, update GPU
What could be?
Specs: 3060 ti - 32gb ram - R5 5600G
Yep same here hard crashing during Mono’s, some are even straight up Bluescreens
Currently when it happens: using Caltrops, il be clearing, and then suddenly Crash, 2nd crash was a bluescreen, first was crash to desktop.
not sure if it caltrop is the issue, but it does cause major lagg with that skill, too many visual caltrops all over place, prob need to reduce the visuals of caltrops, make them slightly bigger, and remove like half them so its like not all over place. here is the link
Similar problem for me. Everything runs fine and then after an hour or so, my whole PC freezes and I have to do a hard reboot because nothing is responsive. Never had this in another game before.
RX 6700 XT, R5 5600X, 32 GB RAM
I maybe found something I was killing the Boss “MAJALA” the snake one then my game crashed again and so did my PC
So I lowered the graphics to 800x600 window mode and managed to make the game begging be playble again
something is buggy in full hd mode
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