Crash when starting the game

Game crashes after launch, I tried checking steam files, reinstalling the game, reinstalling the drivers, but this did not solve this problem. Does anyone have any thoughts on solving this problem?

P.S. When I played in patch 0.9.0 game launched without problems.

Player.log (17.1 KB)
Player-prev.log (17.1 KB)

I am having the same problem but have a workaround.

Try launching Steam, then dont click on Play… Open the folder where you installed last epoch and run the exe directly from there - this seems to work for me until the devs can correct the problem.

It will be in something like \steamapps\common\Last Epoch

Thanks for the advice, but it didn’t help me. Still the same error, still the same crash.

The game usually starts after 20-40 attempts, so I don’t close the game at all and don’t turn off the PC xd

Damn… Oh well… Your player log is virtually identical to mine (I am using a 1060) when having the issue so I hoped my “solution” would work for you.

One other thing I can suggest - this is an old trick that can help with GPU issues sometimes - manually edit the le_graphicsmanager.ini file (its in the same place as your offline savegames usually something like C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Eleventh Hour Games\Last Epoch)

Change everything that says Medium to Low and set the
LimitForegroundFPS = true
MaxForegroundFPS = 60
LimitBackgroundFPS = true
MaxBackgroundFPS = 30

if they are not already on those settings.

Sometimes helps. As does removing the entire ini file to get the game to reset it but that doesnt always work especially if the issue is not performance related (e.g. a settings is messing with gpu memory or similar)

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