Crash to desktop and/or blue screen/reboot after extended game-play

Yeah, let me stop you there. No, its not. Its only 9 years old. You act like they hadn’t invented fire or the wheel back in 2012. No game should be designed which can’t run on hardware from the last decade or so. That is a fact.

So, here is my final updates:

Update 1: I logged into the game (was in the End of Time), and I literally did nothing… just went intentionally AFK for 20 minutes. Then, I just took the portal to the level 60 Echo monolith and… game crashed. So, now, whatever the game is doing, it is eating up resources even when you do not touch your keyboard or mouse after login, sit stock still for 20 minutes, and then take a portal.

Update 2: I upgraded my video card to a GTX 1650 and have been able to play for 10 hours, no crashes whatsoever. I am still on minimum settings because I prefer it, but I am assuming I could at least creep a few up here and there if I chose to.

So, for LE devs:

  • Your game engine consumes way too much memory (in general) and has at least some form of leak.
  • Your game engine needs to be updated to run on older hardware or you will not succeed with this game.

To quote a previous post of yours and to hopefully not belabour the point…

This may have been true 9 yeas ago, but it is not a high-end graphics card by todays standard - not by a long shot. A high end card in 2021 is arguably at least a newer 20 series or 3060/70/80/90 and the AMD equivalents.

I drive a 12 year old Subaru and there is no way I would walk into a dealership and say that I drive a high end car and they better give me a good 2021 trade in… thats ludicrious.

In a generalised way that statement may be seen as true… However its not that simple…

Computer programs by their very nature are improved to take advantage in advances in hardware technology - both in capabilities and performance… With this improvement comes the issue of backward compatibility wrt hardware… While you would expect the first version of Photoshop from 30 years ago to run in a virtual machine emulation today, you would NEVER expect the latest Photoshop to run on the 30 year old hardware. This exact issue is prevalent in almost ALL consumer electronics today… Take the cellular phone - I have an old SONY that was pretty mid-high range when I bought it 5 years ago and it still functions perfectly fine as a phone - but it cannot run the latest Android OS and struggles performance wise on a lot of the applications that have been updated since I bought it - some no longer run or I am stuck with old versions that dont have the new features. The same is true of a playstation P3/P4… The last ps3 was in 2012 and the 2013 ps4 couldnt play ps3 games and thats a single year difference. Take Apple products… I have 3 ipads floatin around that cannot be used anymore because the software has been updated and no longer runs on the old Apple OS… and apple prevents the new OS on the old hardware because of “performance” issues… The differences between these hardware platforms is not a decade… its typically 5 years and even less for certain things.

To get back to the gaming world… To make games easier to develop & arguably faster to market, they are “usually” developed using a back-end technology or suite of pre-developed game engines - these game engines are updated like any other piece of software to take advantage of the latest hardware… Game developers jump on these features because they think the players will want them and this makes the games harder to run on older hardware - sure they “should still run” but the users expectations should be managed and the games need to be developed to gracefully downgrade features as a compromise…Something that takes time & money that developers may not have initially - especially during beta and pre-launch stages and sometimes the game engines that they are using dont have the ability to do it anyway… or the people developing those engines have not done it…

Congratulations. I am glad that this worked in solving your problem.

I would suggest that you close this forum post by tagging your own post as Solved…


It isn’t solved. The game still has memory leak issues, its just that I have a card large enough and powerful enough to ignore the leak. This still requires a LE Dev to look into and fix. It is easily reproducible.

I did finally crash with the new card, a few times now. Nowhere near the frequency of the old card, but, as I said, its a memory leak, so eventually, it’s going to crash any card.

While I agree that memory leaks are bad and should always be fixed, I’ve been playing all day on a 2070 super before and almost never crash. So I’m not sure the leak is “easily reproducible”.

Step 1: Spend $40 on a GTX 660
Step 2: Reproduce the leak in around 10 minutes.

Alternate version:
Step 1: Install a memory diagnostic tool any good developer has used 100s of times
Step 2: Look at the tool

It is mindlessly easy to find this leak for an experienced developer.

So you’ve divined what the issue is then?

Yes, having 32 years of software development experience helps a ton. I get that the LE Devs likely do not have as much experience as I do, but they should still be familiar with developer tools to look at memory usage.

You couldnt even find the Appdata folder… after 32 years of software development?


Real software developers work on Linux not Windows.

Seriously dude… Every Linux developer I know can find the Appdata folder… Its been around since Windows Vista launched 14 years ago… Even kids playing Minecraft know it for their modding.

Elitism is not how things get done in the world anymore and all you are doing is alienating yourself from an otherwise very helpful community.

Everyone here is just trying to help and you harp on about your supposed superiority in virtually every second post. Everything from degrading strangers trying to help you to insinuating that the developers dont know what they are doing.

None of us work for EHG and are just players & testers… No-one is denying that LE is in beta and HAS problems which could include memory leaks but your attitude leaves much to be desired.

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