Crafting--Upgrade an Item....realy ? "Fail i think"

Crafting__Upgrading with Stone__Realy ?
an Magig Relikt turn to a Acolyht Relikt ???
an Magig Relikt turn to a Rogue Relikt ???
Turn also in same Stuff posible ? is this ok and wanted ?
This Stones are Rare !! or not ?


I’m sympathetic to ESL people having to communicate in an almost exclusively English forum, but you’ve got to try a little more than this dude.

I think he’s talking about runes of ascendance.

Yes, it’s supposed to be this way. The only restriction to RoA is the item type. On the other hand, you can use them at level 1 for whichever unique you want.
There aren’t enough uniques to change it. If it simply upgraded to the same item type, you’d be guaranteed to get the unique you want, which is not the intended result.

It’s not that rare to get that you can still get uniques you’re looking for with this system.

Sorry for my “denglish” :wink: (old German Dude)
DjSahmein say what i mean !! thx for the Answer

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