Crafting strategies in 0.8.2

So the new 0.8.2 patch is making crafting more difficult and I’m interested to hear what crafting strategies people are going for. I’ll also talk about my current strategy in 0.8.1 and adjustments into 0.8.2. Be warned, wall of text ahead, feel free to skip it.

To give a quick run down dropped items will have lower instability for the affixes attached and crafting T4 and T5 affixes will have a lower likelihood of success. EHG is swaying emphasis to dropped items than crafting but doesn’t mean crafting will be obsolete, far from it, it’ll just be a more difficult process.

  • Success chance when raising an affix from T3 to T4 is a flat 2% lower.
  • Success chance when raising an affix from T4 to T5 is a flat 5% lower.

I’ll use my current strategy in 0.8.1 as an example to make a T16 item with 2xT5 primary and secondary affixes and 2xT3 tertiary and quaternary affixes. T16 is just arbitrary and usually sufficient to enable builds and provide significant stats:

Step 1 and step 2 will use strictly Glyph of Stabilities to minimise accumulated instability. I probably end up breaking around 50% of items in these two steps. In the end it’s a game of numbers and how many crafting attempts to make the desired item.

Step 1 - Glyph of Stability the primary and secondary affixes
Primary affix (upgrade this first): T4
Secondary affix (upgrade this second): T3

Step 2 - Glyph of Stability the tertiary and quaternary affixes
Tertiary affix: T1
Quaternary affix: T1

After step 1 items will usually have around 25-30 instability. After step 2 it’ll be around 30-35. The next steps switch over to Glyph of Guardians to take advantage of the higher % chance of success from the minimised instability accrued from Glyph of Stabilities.

Step 3 - Glyph of the Guardian primary and secondary affixes
Primary affix (upgrade this first): T5
Secondary affix (upgrade this second): T5

Step 4 - Glyph of the Guardian tertiary and quaternary affixes. Upgrade these by alternating between the tertiary and quaternary.
Tertiary affix: T3
Quaternary affix: T3

A successfully crafted T16 item will have around 60 instability. Going into 0.8.2 I think the strategy will stay mostly the same but there may be an emphasis on getting the 2xT5’s first. Step 2 may be cut out and tertiary and quaternary affixes may be added with Glyph of the Guardians after the 2xT5’s are guaranteed. This way getting the two desired T5’s won’t be affected by instability added from Step 2 tertiary and quaternary affixes, and the overall affect should negate the nerf introduced by 0.8.2. When you get to adding the tertiary and quaternary affixes with Glyph of the Guardians you’ll be adding on additional instability than if you used Glyph of Stabilities in 0.8.1. I’m going to make a guess on average there will be about 4 additional instability at this stage due to 0.8.2 changes.

Don’t get me started on 3x T5 affixes, those are already hard enough to craft in 0.8.1.

So I’m curious to hear what methods you’ll be using?


I think the short answer is going to be to see how much these changes affect things practically…

The long answer is probably going to be based on how each of us craft… I for instance, do not craft on anything less than an existing T10 drop item (sometimes even T11) - I simply dont craft on anything less unless its a stop gap throwaway item… So for me I doubt that the changes will have much affect… Probably will but I doubt I will notice it… In fact, if they lower the instability for dropped items with affixes already in place, then I will probably see more success overall when crafting…

Only time will tell the full impact I suppose…

Edit: Ahh. Personally I don’t think it’s going to change much in real terms, though it does push one towards using “better” gear as a crafting base.

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