So I started a new character today (Rogue) and I had my main (Acolyte Nurgle Knight) run through Temporal Sanctum so I could craft some gear at the forge at the end. I placed a Kestral body armour and an Acolyte body armour in there which had generic stats on, no Acolyte spells. When I logged my Rogue the Kestrel armour stated that I needed to be an Acolyte. What caused this to happen? Was it the fact I crafted it on my Acolyte or the fact I slammed an Acolyte item into it? I’m really gutted to have done this as it was a LP3 item that I feel I’ve totally ruined. This was my first attempt at Forging a Legendry item and I’m very hesitant to try this again after today’s results. 
Many thanks. 
That’s weird, never experienced this. As far as I remember, a lot of times I forge my LP with class specific gear for a difference class and don’t have any class restriction.
What exactly did you do? You crafted the item and took it out in storage and tried to go to another character to use it?
I crafted on Acolyte. I then put it in my stash. Relogged my Rogue character and it wouldn’t let me equip it, as it stated it was for an Acolyte on the bottoms of the item in red.
That’s weird, unless you crafted a class specific mod onto the LP item, that shouldn’t of happen afaik… Did they do a small fix for that… Now i’m curious too
Maybe it was a bug? I’ve logged off now, so maybe it’ll be ok when I boot my computer back up…… maybe… 
I did craft Dex onto it but I’m not sure that Acolyte uses Dex in any build
That could be it I think, its not a bug but more of a weird thing. As for the reasoning behind it, i’m not sure but curious to know as well. @EHG
Just relogged. Requires: Acolyte 
if you don’t mind can you list all the affixes that the unique inherited? a Screenshot of the item would help
57% phys pen bleed
57% phys pen bleed minion
12 Dex
100 health
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there’s your culprit, that’s an acolyte prefix
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I thought that’s generic, as I’ve got similar from Primealist and Sentinal items and Rogue has Falcoln.
If it had said: 57% phys pen by skeleton mages I would agree though ofc.
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LE Tools says it’s Acolyte only.
Physical bleed penetration is also on Sentinel but it isn’t shared with minions.
You sure you aren’t thinking of the weapon based shared physical penetration which anyone can get?
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that’s a common misunderstanding you’re probably confusing them with a similar prefix/suffix in another piece of equipment from a different slot.
I’m not sure if I’m honest. I’m a new player so probably getting something wrong! So I need to ensure no double bonuses I guess.
I wish that there was a tooltip to tell me this before hand. Expensive mistake!
Th is for your assistance here. You’ve been very helpful. 
I totally agree that class specific affixes on items should be more visible to the player.
How many LP was on your Kestrel? They’re fairly common so you could always try some Runes of Ascendance.
Also, since you are new, those links I gave you are part of a very, VERY helpful and handy online tool for a lot of things about the game. I’d highly recommend using it as a supplement to the in-game guide.
Thanks for the links. 
It was a LP3 item. 
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