Crafting feels kinda bugged

It’s probably because it slightly is.

I think many items will have less overall instability, but at certain breakpoints this is a nerf to your success rate.

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I believe that the system is fair and working as intended, and I’ve learned to tolerate it just fine.

But my concern for the success of the game is that this is a core system, the source of the majority of gear, and so far the only answer is to ignore basic tenets of human psychology to find enjoyment in it. I also feel that the comments are met with answers like “I tested it and it’s fine” rather than acknowledging that a core system feels more punishing than it does rewarding to many players. I wish we got more responses like this one above:

I appreciate that you are giving feedback on the way it feels. That’s valuable feedback. It isn’t bugged but I totally hear you that it feels that way. This is something that we are working to remedy and have a prototype that we have been testing but it isn’t quite right.


I get what you’re saying about not enjoying the system and that’s totally valid. We are actively working to improve crafting core functionality and player experience. I have been very careful to not suggest that the system is perfect or that it is providing the exact experience we want, because it isn’t. I’m just really trying very hard to dispel this myth that the numbers are inaccurate or that the player is being lied to. I’ve seen so many comments along the lines of “with the bugged crafting system…”. Just accepting it as fact that the numbers are wrong.

The system isn’t perfect and we are working on that. In the meantime, it’s not bugged is just about all I can say in response to those types of posts.


I love discuss statistics with people who doesn’t know statistics.
Btw, myke you did a great job.

I can understand a certain level of frustration with that, Mike. People sometimes assume a few negative results means it must not be working correctly rather than just being an unlikely, but horribly bad streak of luck. I believe the system works correctly, but I have experienced those bad luck streaks too.

Mike, my suggestions to improve the system. You can put a level of fail without destroy the item.
You lose the components, but you don’t destroy the item.

That is part of one of several lines we are exploring yea. It has some pitfalls but it’s also promising.


Tks so much to hear.
And again, you guys did a great, great, great job.

I agree with JEANPHILLIPE thats a good solution. Another one is put a new type of rune in game that it actually can fix the fractured item. Either return it to the original state before you start crafting it (in that case make em more common to drop) either make it continue from where you left the item and add some instability (in that case make em a little more rare to drop). Thank you for the quick reply. And thank you for this awesome in developing game. I am kinda old gamer (40 years old) and my experience tells me that this game has ALL the potentials to be one of the top if not the top ARPG. I dont try to lick your boots (please boost my character exalted drop chance :stuck_out_tongue: ) Its that i really have a long time to play such a good ARPG. It has minor flaws but hell its still in beta and when i play it i dont even realise its still in testing period. No bugs, A lot of fun content, balanced classes and it gives you major posibilities to make your own unique spec that actually works and not just follow a mainstream spec if you want to succeed in game.

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Why do players not create a bug report when a skill that does 5% crit chance lands 2 crits within 7 hits. surely that must be a bug right?

but they only report when their crafting fails.

I would like to report a bug where I crafted a chest to 70 instability at 45% chance and it still didnt break can you investigate …

having said that ive had weird spaghetti RNG with all these rpgs…
I remember the rumour of drop tables in D3 and certain items ‘werent in the pool’ of that run they couldnt drop ever. even if you did 100 rifts in that gaming session they wouldnt drop until you made a new game and COULD only drop if that game decided it would include ‘xx’ item in its drop pool

im 100% convinced PoE does NOT have every available item in its drop pool at all times (not including league drops), and by definition computers cannot be random

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Who cares about D3 and PoE? As i said above its a game still in beta and if something feels off i ll report it. If a skill of yours crit 2 out of 7 hits and you have 5% crit chance you should report it. Noone stops you. I never had this bug. Maybe its the class i play. But i think in forums especially in beta if you follow the rules you can post whatever concerns you about the game.

So it’s just me enjoying a lot the crafting system as it is ?! The only time it might make me really sad to fail to craft an item is when i get the chance to try it on an exalted item ? Other than that it’s quite fine ? And even in this situation, i was still super excited to start crafting on it.
I’m not expecting to finish my build in 10h and make another character… Especially now when there is no reset and you get already good bases and tons of crafting mats lying around, waiting to be used…

With the randomization of the drops/affixes in game its not that easy to find good materials to start crafting… And if you try to start crafting an item without the affixes you want as base your chances to reach even T4 in 2-3 affixes is like 10% or less.

Trollkiller, The other crafting thread Crafting Fake % Success has plenty of information. The community is very detailed in the thread and made many suggestions.

The crafting is not bugged, it is just extremely punishing, which failing the crafting process should be. My initial complaint was satisfied by Mike. After even more testing the numbers tend to balance out. There are going to be outliers like in any probabilistic system. The key question is does the system have a confidence interval that is acceptable to EHG. It means we the player base have to adjust or figure out better ways to improve the stats we find.

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So something thats unlikely that does actually happens = bug

So once again do you report the times you get crafting success on low chance because ‘it shouldnt NOT of happened’ ?

ive seen 98% chance to hit miss in Final Fantasty Tactics every now and then, is that a bug? no its just 1/50 didnt go through and that was the 1/50…

its not bugged, this person just throws a tantrum when every craft doesnt succeed


Thank you for the heads up, I do not keep track of other players, I can barely keep track of myself. Have a good day. I enjoy reading your contributions to the community.

I am throwing a tantrum? Let me guess? Your only job is to rate and comment the posts you dont like in forums? Who made you forum-judge? Tbh i dont care about your oppinion… Its the developers job either to reply or ignore it if they feel its just Tantrum…

Forget about it dude, I lost the count how many times I have a downvote on a social media, when I wrote something wrong. Because english it’s not may native language

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This is true, my marksman has a 30% crit chance and I’m pretty sure every shot with flurry crits lol

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