Crafting Changes coming to Eternal Legends Update (0.8.4)

What an interesting and, from what I can see, intuitive change to the crafting system that somehow improves on an already really cool part of the game.

kinda need a Rune of Rollback, to turn a tier 5 to tier 4 in order to use Glyph of Despair to seal that one I need.


Wow, what a dreamy new craft system!!:heart_eyes:

Yay best news ever! Cannot wait to give the new system a go. I hope to never have hear that horrible fracture sound effect again…

Wow… now this is a huge change… Gonna take some time to go through it all and even longer to figure out how well it works compared to the older setup - I love the increased options and variety… Damn 0.8.4 is going to be a serious update… :wink:

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OK, well, that is pretty much my only big problem with the game, now solved.

You guys rock! Really looking forward to playing with the new Forging Potential system and I love the inclusion of “chase crafting items” as well. Huge changes here, keep up the amazing work.

Love the overall changes here!!

Interesting… maybe I’m projecting wrongly, but I’m sensing this teases all gear as being open to five total affixes, which can be good if done properly…

Can this happen now?
-Get a great exalted item, that happens to have a T5 I wish I could attempt to seal
-But now it feels bad that I got a T5 affix instead of T4?

Meanwhile, are some exalted affixes themselves now devalued because they don’t have seal potential?

Also, are power levels going to be balanced such that not having fully sealed gear feels bad?

I’m a total fan of the forging potential system. I used to joke with my friends that Last Epoch was a good diablo-like with great ability customization but also an unfortunate korean-mmo crafting system. That change is most welcome!

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You can always risk rune of removal on exalted item or item with T5 affix you want to actually seal. If you are lucky, you can get shards for affix you want back and empty slot. Craft up to T4 and try to seal it. Even without any data on chances, this will be a long shot, but it is possible from what I understand about changes.

Looks promising, reserving judgment til the patch drops.
Also, if the glyph of chaos choose the resulting random affix from the list of available shards player have, I can see that it opens it to abuse (ie:sell or use up all the undesirable affix to target craft)

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I guess we’ll have to try the system first before judging, but this looks like it could mean white bases with good implicits could be pretty bad for crafting. Especially since FP is around 15-25 for them and a single craft can roll 1-20 meaning easier to get done in 2-3 crafts.

That could hurt for crafting items with multiple implicits like turquoise ring/hollow blade/crystal wands etc.

“hurting” sounds very negative.

Isn’t it a good thing, that items that drop well are more important?

I always found it weird, how far you can get from white and magic items.

Was definitely cool sometimes, but it made rares and exalted feel pointless sometimes, if they were not close to perfect already.

Now rares and exalted items seem to have way more room to become perfect with all the different optiosn and high forging potential.

Also don’t forget, that Rune Of Shaping did change. (easier to get good rolls now)

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Wonder how all of this is going to apply to my 100 stash tabs of drops I have saved… :wink:

hears his grandmother telling him to clean the cupboard

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While this is relatively minor, it could be nice to have the option to “decline” the extra affix tier from a critical success. If you have a T3 affix that you want to get to 4 and then seal but it happens to be a critical success and is now T5… well sucks to be you.
Though I could also understand having this be one of the “risks” since you shouldn’t get perfect items too easily.

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BTW, new staff spotted!
Staves are also remade next patch?


I think that is the renamed Ash Staff.

Guess its time to say good bye to the item editor :wink:
I kinda liked crafting from scratch but always had a suspicion this was stop gap instead of long term engagement.

Crits won’t bump it up 2 tiers:

Ok i am bracing myself for all the thumbs down now but i feel like the party pooper. One of the objectives is

But i think there is nothing to really enhance this other than making it more difficult to craft up magic items as i see crafting up rare not being materially altered

Glyph of chaos - there are 502 prefixes and 158 suffixes so the odds of getting the one you want is negligible to zero (noting that the objective of endgame itemization is to have an item with EVERY affix being one planned and at highest level possible). It in fact probably means that many affixes which are not optimal (e.g. +Health instead of Crit Avoid) are not worth trying to roll off as you are more likely to replace with something totally useless (e.g. +Health becomes +Fire Res when you are already capped on Fire res)

Rune of removal - doesnt make any positive change to the issue that getting a 4 roll rare with only 2 stats you want is virtually impossible to make into an item with all 4 stats you want

i agree with LizardIRL

In my opinion the best way to fix this is to have a difference in the forging potential between dropped and gambled items. For example the “Battle Axe” indicated with 20 Forging potential could be only 50% - 75% of that value if it were gambled instead of dropped in game. We need a significant potential discount on gambled items to make “playing the game for good drops” more worthwhile than farming gold and gambling.

I was really positively hyped about these changes since everything else is a very positive change but this problem is such a huge negative in my opinion. Happy to be convinced otherwise or be shown the error in my thinking.

I am pretty sure the glyph of chaos still respects the possible affixes based on the item type.

So for most items this means ~20 prefixes and ~ 20 suffixes (some class specific slots might have 30-40)

Rune of removal still has a lot of risk, but now we at least have 2 more other chocies to make those items great (Glyph Of Despair and Glyph Of Chaos)