Crafting Changes coming to Eternal Legends Update (0.8.4)

As it should be. My thinking was more like “Do i want to get my T17+ item from a rare or blue when i manage to succeed such a craft ?” “Do i want it to come from a lucky base i could improve upon, or just got randomly lucky with a glyph of chaos or rune of removal ?”

I’m talking more about gearing philosophy than actual odds of getting a good item. They might have changed the way to get to a good item, for the better or the worse.

I get you.

In a way, I do think magic items being literally better items for crafting than rare items was just wrong. So, I agree with the idea of making rares better, and exalted even better still. Makes sense to me. Probably should’ve been that way all along.

These are the kinds of changes Beta is truly for, so I really support the Devs a ton when they bite the bullet and are like “Yeah, that didn’t work the way we wanted, so we re-designed it.” That’s the kind of dedication to “getting it right” that makes a really good game, so for me, this change (regardless of the specifics) shows that EHG and LE are going to be really successful.


agree, I am happy playing it and waiting it to grow big enough.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - these developers are insanely intelligent in terms of game design. I mean, we see games like Diablo come out which is $60 and has very little innovation… but a game that was a passion project, and now is not even considered a ‘AAA’ title is innovating in every sphere of the ARPG design. I mean, these employees approach every problem with the right mindset. It’s a joy to watch.

That’s how I read it.

That’s what they’ve done before when they convert affixes, so a reasonable assumption.

That’s not what “everyone” is saying.

For now, we farm random zone, with random mob, to get random base item, with a random level of implicit, with random affix and number of affix, with random tier of each affix, with random quality in each tier.
Soon, we will have a random forging potential on item , that will be used at a random cost…

My feeling, too many random is killing the random ! :slight_smile:

Maybe a quite fixed potential according to quality of item when loot, and fixed cost for each type of upgrade would be better…

(and sorry for my bad english !)
(and sorry wrong reply button, not a reply to LLama8… just my feeling/comment.)

The zone and mobs do not matter for this discussion.

This was already addressed in the OP and I strongly agree with it:

Because if crafting is too predictable, you can adress your loot filter accordingly to your needs and every item that is shown, will be something, where you know the outcome already.

This would make loot not exciting IMO.

The loot hunt for me always is this: “This item could become my next big thing”
If it’s too predictable it will become very dull and automated.

These are all just scribbled fantasy numbers, but according to the following example, I would certify/give your “59” a “79-80-81” afterwards.


T1/Added Health/Range 1-7
[could be internel: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7]
T2/Added Health/Range 8-21
[could be internel: 8-9|10-11|12-13|14-15|16-17|18-19|20-21]
T3/Added Health/Range 22-42
[could be internel: 22-23-24|25-26-27|28-29-30|31-32-33|34-35-36|37-38-39|40-41-42]
T4/Added Health/Range 43-63
[could be internel: 43-44-45|46-47-48|49-50-51|52-53-54|55-56-57|58-59-60|61-62-63]
T5/Added Health/Range 64-84
[could be internel: 64-65-66|67-68-69|70-71-72|73-74-75|76-77-78|79-80-81|82-83-84]
T6/Added Health/Range 85-112
[could be internel: 85-86-87-88|89-90-91-92|93-94-95-96|97-98-99-100|101-102-103-104|105-106-107-108|109-110-111-112]
T7/Added Health/Range 113-147
[could be internel: 113-114-115-116-117|118-119-120-121-122|123-124-125-126-127|128-129-130-131-132|133-134-135-136-137|138-139-140-141-142|143-144-145-146-147]

yes i read that…
But you could prevent it with the forging potential.
Determine the potential for example on “rare” to allow item to go to T20, but so if you need reroll implicit, or use new glyph to add 5th affix, or any other affix, then you don’t have enough potential to go to T20…
So we will have to choose your priority, and no “perfect gear” will be possible.
As for me all the “random” , is only to prevent us to get perfect rolled item in all slots.

Loved the proposal so far.
Let’s see how it works in practice.

It is not to prevent it, but to make it harder, so if you actually achieve it, it feels good.

If it’s too easy/common reaching such high crafted results, it will not feel special anymore.


I’m ok with t20 items not feeling “special” since we have exalted & legendaries (to come) to fill that “special” roll. There needs to be an expectation of a reasonable level of gear to have by the time you reach X (monoliths, empowered monos, etc). IMO exalted items are/should be those chase items that are difficult to get the right mods on the right bases rather than rares filling that role.

But I know you like to crawl over broken glass nekkid for your aRPG progression & I’m ok with (you doing) that (as long as everybody else isn’t forced to as well).

For me it would be ok to get items up to Tier 15/16 very regularly, but everything beyond that should have some value already.

This makes gearing progression way more interesting, because you will need to prioritize affixes (You need to choose between having 3x T5 an the 4th affix is not present or only T1 for example or if you might want to get 4x T4)

Obviously there should be some even more exciting progression after T20.


That sounds a little bit exaggerated.

Getting meaningful T15-20 items shouldn’t be THAT hard, but the game should not throw them at you, so you can get a character equipped in all T20’s within a few days of reaching endgame.

How many hours of gameplay would that “a few days of reaching endgame” be? Would it be for a hardcore gamer who plays many hours each day & would be in empowered monoliths within a few days of hitting monoliths or would it be for a more casual gamer who may only be able to play for an hour or less every few days?

Also, would you define endgame as normal monoliths or empowered?

And LE is still light years away from the randomness of PoE :smiley: on a more serious note - you’ve raised an interesting point. Is FG on items a completely random value or it is determined by the factors like tier and rarity of affixes or something else?

i have “only” 360hours on LE, and i am at the start of “empowered” . I have several reroll, and switch often, so my main char is not play so often, and not yet had time to get upper than empowered around 120.
At this stage, i feel like i never get useful drop, never the good base item with at least 3 good affix, i don’t even dream of 4 affix. (and I am not sure it will improve that much with empowered 200+ or more… )
So Current craft on these item for now, most of the time , just “improve a bit” the drop, with no chance at all to transform it on a “perfect item”.
This new craft version seems better to avoid the damaged items, but i don’t think it will improve anything else.
The rune to “Reroll an affix” for most of the slot, there is so much possible prefix/suffix, that you will need to be ultra lucky to get what you need, it is more to remove an useless affix, to get a “less useless affix”.
That’s why i think put some “min/max” limit, and fixed cost, could be more fun than add a “random mini game” on top of the “random loot” :slight_smile:
For me, The fun in arpg is to farm and get drop… crafting ok, but not playing casino ! :slight_smile:

Fracturing only feels terrible because it happens unexpectedly and leads to perception bias. The new system basically let’s you play out exactly what you can end up with as a bare minimum after getting all crafts in you want, without the risk of having to stop short.

On top of it all, with this change and the adjustments to whites/magics/rares, raw dropped items have become even more desirable, which is exactly as it should be.

Not quite. If you get an item drop with 20 forging potential & try to put a new affix on it with a cost of 1-20 (or whatever the range ends up being), you can get anywhere from 1 craft to 20 (+25% on average from the Glyph of Hope procs). That’s a big range & it’ll still feel bad when RNG ####s you over & you get 1 craft when you would have a reasonable expectation of “several”.

I agree completely that the expectation of not-fracturing in the current system is the driver for most of the feelsbad moments, I just think that that will be, at least partially, transferred to the expectation of getting X crafts on an item & ending up with substantially less than X (like, 1, or 2).

I don’t know if it’s possible to have a system that perfectly gets rid of all of the soul-crushing fracture moments while still keeping some RNG for the upgrades and not having it be completely deterministic or allowing you to effectively just have an item editor & get your gear up to t20 without any issues.

I do think that the new system will remove the feelsbad for many people in many instances but not all. I also think that in principle it is an improvement I’m just not personally sure about the cost ranges & feel that they are too large, as others have said.

I notice… this is a great thing… BUT HOW WILL I GET A FRACTURED CROWN NOW???