Could we skip the intro phase to Aberoth after first attempt?

At this point I’ve fought tons of Harbingers. None of them provide any challenge. (although maybe that’s just down to my build, I’m pretty tanky against most of what they do.) The first phase is just a waste of time once I’ve seen the dialogue. Judging by the fact that the boss is basically one shotting me on his first attack, it’s gonna be a lot of attempts. This is gonna add up and be really annoying. Just skip to the fight once I’ve seen the talky phase once.

EDIT: An alternative suggestion, but one that takes more work, so understandable if it’s not feasible: Make that phase more interesting. This is the Harbingers at their least interesting. They have no additional mechanics. Maybe if I was a squishier build I might appreciate the overlapping abilities, but as it stands I just stand there holding down my button the whole phase. Maybe add some kind of council fight mechanic like needing to kill them evenly, or maybe one gaining powers depending on which one died first, etc. Something so it’s not just me wasting my time being bored for the first minute of every attempt.

I mean… it’s fairly nonsensical to complain about the mechanics when you trivialize them. Obviously they won’t affect you.

I guess, but aren’t a lot of builds that get to this point going to trivialize things in some way? Either they’re really tanky like mine or they do absurd amounts of damage. To get to this point you have to have proven yourself multiple times against these bosses with extra twists thrown in.

Yeah, if they’re tanky they trivialize the mechanics completely.

If they’re high DPS they need to handle those still but just do it fast.