Could not pick-up potions while fighting The Altar of Flesh

While fighting The Altar of Flesh on HC on my Paladin I was burning through my potions a lot as I wasn’t able to cap my necrotic resistances before entering the arena, I was dropping them for attacking the boss while attacking the corners but I couldn’t pick them up. Ended up dead right on the edge of the arena, one step from the area where I wasn’t taking damage.

Could I have cap my resistance to not take substantial more damage? Yes! Could I pick up the potions to heal? No.

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Went back to the fight and redid it, this time I had the camera with me

Same here: couldn’t pick up the potions next to the soul vessels. But I could pick up the potions that dropped later in the middle of the arena.

Same issue here.

Still isn’t fixed. So you have to be extremely careful not to die while braking barrels.

Same issue, cant pick potions

One more. Same issue.

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