Cosmetics Theme

Posting this as I don’t know the planned future for Cosmetics and what they will look like then.

I currently can’t complete the “theme” I had in mind for a look as the weapon does not exist to go with the rest of the gear, and pets. As you can see in the image attached I am going for the void-theme but the closest weapon I can get is a Sunken Light weapon, and the closest I can get for the shield is the Bulwark of Ruin.

Part of this note is also that the Orentia’s Regret helm goes better with the Harbinger set than the actual Harbinger’s Plate Helm.

Hopefully the future of Cosmetics will have great items that can match each theme (void, fire, water, cold, electric, etc.).

I understand that Cosmetics isn’t the highest of priority, this is just part of a wishlist of desires.

Sorry, forgot the image. Cosmetics Theme

You forgot to link the image.

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Thank you very much.

You’re welcome.

Personally I think this is just a case of MTX not being high on the priority list so far. I expect that when they start actually focusing more on them we’ll get more consistency and more quality as well.
However, I don’t actually know what their plans for MTX are, so that’s just my opinion.

I wholly agree, and that was the gist of my post. I figure the plan on making it more possible to put things together in a them-related look but the priority is on other things right now, although it’s possible parts of the team are already working on this.

The one thing I think that needs work that I’m not sure they are looking at is the “Orentia’s Regret helm goes better with the Harbinger set than the actual Harbinger’s Plate Helm” part.

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I’m pretty sure they are. Mike said on stream several times that there are people working on skilll MTX (no ETA for them yet, though), so I assume all MTX in general are being worked on, albeit slowly, most likely.

I haven’t tried that yet, because I tend to use the Scourge of the Depths set more, but I have the same issue with it as you do: the Deep Watchers Helm looks better on it than the set one.

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You still forgot the image, the link just links to the thread…


Wow, no idea how I copied the thread link to my own thread and pasted that. I have corrected it and it’s the right link.

Thank you sir.

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There is a cosmetic for a Void Axe

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Yes, there is, but it’s not a sword. That’s one that I am considering buying just to have something void in that slot.