Corruption Visibility on Map

A great QOL suggestion:

Make the current corruption level visible on the MoF map. If I’ve not played a particular character in a while or jump around between a few timelines, I then have to go to each timeline to see what my current corruption level is.

If I want the highest so that I can farm Orobyss then I have to first find out which one has the highest corruption. Being able to see this on the map or somewhere would be great.

This of course is a low priority and I would not want to detract from other priority issues being worked.


A thousand times this. It’s been asked a lot but it is most definitely one of the QoL things that we really, really DO need. Upvote this every time I see it.

Would be great indeed :smiley:

I am hitting my 4th character that I like to grind (and some others that are retired), going back to one or another can take some painful time to remember everything.

I can not imagine the “mess” to someone with 5 ,7, maybe 10 chars that they like grinding corruption.

Yes! I was just about to ask for the same thing. Super annoying to have to run to each echo to see which is my highest.

I hope they add this soon.

Yes please this is badly needed.