Corruption Needs to be Shared in Multiplayer

My brother and I went through every regular monolith together, but can’t do the same for empowered monoliths. The shades of orobyss are nice since everyone gets them, but there needs to be some system of shared corruption gain. Multiplayer currently feels bad due to that fact that only the host gains corruption. We generally play games like this together and non-shared corruption is a huge drawback now. It feels like PoE maps before they allowed shared completion. This really needs to be changed ASAP.

At least make it so that when killing Shades together, it consumes everyones shades and everyone gets the proper corruption from it.

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In PoE you get the completion objectives, but you don’t actually advance your map web (unless they changed this in the last 2-3 years). Likewise, PoE also doesn’t share Maven’s progression or progression for other bosses.

In part, this is done to prevent RMT, where you pay someone to just run stuff for you and unlock everything without you having to do anything. In part, it’s also to encourage active play, rather than simply being carried.

But mostly, this is done so people don’t feel like they HAVE to play in a party to be efficient. Namely, clear one echo, get 4x the worth because you have 4 people in the party. This would simply lead to people having to join parties so they could clear 10 echoes and do 4 bosses in a row.
You already get better rewards while in a party, so it’s not like there’s no benefit to multiplayer.

In PoE it’s all totally shared now as far as I can remember. It used to be different though. My brother and I pretty much play every PoE league together nowadays. This just feels bad. Some people enjoy playing multiplayer and this makes it so that it’s not really worth playing multiplayer. I don’t mind carrying myself, but I tend to enjoy playing games with other people.

I do appreciate the Shade changes though.

Well, like I mentioned, this is moslty to prevent multiplayer being mandatory (as it was in D4 launch). Where you clear 10 echoes to get to boss corruption then kill the boss 4 times in a row because everyone is now at boss corruption.

And, like I also mentioned, when you’re doing someone else’s mono, you already have better rewards than they do, on average, due to being able to pick from 2 reward choices and also still getting the chest.

I understand your point of view and I can even simpathize, but I don’t think it’s such a big issue in the grand scheme of things. That is, not everyone minds that. I used to play PoE with a friend a lot as well, back when the only thing you shared was map completion, and we never had any issue with it. We just switched back and forth who was running the maps.

Overall, it was still faster than playing alone. And overall it’s still faster than playing alone in LE.

It doesnt matter RMT already kills the economy instantly every season, no reason to kill the player base too by forcing solo play. I cant play this game with my friends because its so inefficient to play multiplayer its unreal. In my opinion the game is unplayable without shared corruption. I have 900 hours in the game and wont log a single one more until this is fixed, its unreal incompetence.

And multiplayer doesnt have to be mandatory there are other solutions such as lowering corruption amount in multiplayer. Its juts purely incompetence and kills daily active players tremendously.

Destroying the game’s active user count is far worse than RMTs, carrying, or faster multiplayer progression lol… its just going to kill the game if you cant play with friends. I quite literally lose HUNDREDS of hours playing with my friends. Its unplayable.

I was honestly AMAZED this was not rushed/fixed for cycle 2.

I love a lot of things about the game but it is still very early access in some ways. Current grouping dynamics is absolutely one of the top ways in which this game needs to fix itself.

I think they know this. Our expectation is just far beyond where they are actually at.


People have been asking for this since multiplayer was introduced over a year ago. I am honestly surprised it still hasn’t happened.

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You aren’t forced into solo play. As I mentioned, group play is still faster and has better rewards. It’s just not hugely so to the point where it becomes mandatory.

How do you propose to handle the fact that a group can reach higher corruptions than solo? So your group reaches 700c but your character can only do 500c. After each group session you’ll spend a bunch of time lowering your corruption so you can keep playing?
And they when you join up again you spend a bunch of time raising it again to 700c?
How do you propose to handle when one person is doing 100c and the other is doing 500c? Do you automatically become 500c?

Overall shared corruption is impractical and will only lead to RMT incentives.

Since you’re so competent, you can suggest a system that deals with all the issues.
And LE didn’t have shared progression for years and years and it did just fine.

You are forced into solo play, i experience it daily lol. You either play with a group and lose 10s if not hundreds of hours of playtime when you dont have the group and play alone or with another group, or you play solo clear things slightly slower and have the permanent progress. As is currently stands the group leader is the only one who can actually play the game. If youre not the leader 100% of the time, you may as well play solo, and that is horrible game design.

Make content scaling for groups that is meaningful enough to make it more challenging and team oriented. You should never have to compare solo performance to a group it shouldnt be a metric that is needed unless someone just wants to show off and outperform X group for fun or a challenge.


The only RMT incentive is the auction house which destroys the game economy even days into a new cycle, there are no RMTs for monolith lmao… “Let me pay for a random unique drop please” or “Let me pay for a chance at an item that drops from a boss that costs 0 gold in the auction house” The fact is there is nothing in monoliths that can be an RMT so that argument is just straight up bad. I have 900 hours in the game, I am quite familiar with it and I cannot think of a single thing in monoliths that would be worth selling if it possibly could be other than guaranteed high LP uniques which cant be guaranteed and are already RMT in Auction and other trade selling sites for real money not bought gold. And after spending 100 hours getting to 1000 corruption with friends, i now have to play with them or i cant play at all in teh cycle, no player is going to want to spend another hundred hours just to get back to where they were before its just horrendous. There has to be shared corruption or this game wont secure more players. Only dedicated long time fans and streamers will do that. I dont mind a grind but its disrespectful to have me do the same thing twice for no rewards the second time.

If “just fine” is their target then sure… it did just fine but without a terrible flop from Diablo sending millions of people to download 1.0 of last epoch this game would not have been nearly as successful and MANY of the players drawn in by diablo’s failure left when they discovered the turbo broken monolith system and it was far worse before 1.1 or 1.0. Im not a game designer i dont know the balance between content creation, K-factor, and keeping people interested in things that already exist, but I do know that I’m many hundreds of hours in and not logging a single extra hour until this is fixed. Its a phenomenal game with heaps of potential but it still very much feels like an early access game. I dont mind testing the game and providing feedback but when a huge majority of the community speaks about something and its not fixed after 6+ months, its just incompetence that point unfortunately. I love the game and hope it goes somewhere but the minimal content added with harbingers is not enough to make me double my play time compensating for a broken feature

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You didn’t address any of the issues I mentioned.
What do you do when your group corruption is much higher than the corruption you can handle solo? Will you spend hours dropping your corruption again so you can play solo?
What do you do when you are at 100c and your friend is at 500c? Do you immediately jump to 500c?

What you propose only works for a single situation: where you and your friend are at an equal footing and progress is similar. Otherwise everything is unbalanced.

You can already pay for someone to farm your account for higher corruption. You can also do similar transactions in PoE as well. RMT in monos is a thing. Even in games with no trade that is a thing.

Apprently you’re not familiar enough with it. You can pay for someone to farm your account so that when you go back to it you’re now at high corruption and fully leveled.

Easy fix, just allow the value to be instantly selectable in a range from 0 to highest. any number. No downleveling bs which is horrible game design forcing someone to grind to get worse lol.

Irrelevant and doesnt affect the game at all. No one cares if other people are at higher corruption, the account recovers arent going to be top of the leaderboards even if they are on it to some degree, and there is no benefit to someone that has paid for a high corruption, just wasted money for an experience they probably are too bad to play in anyways. And if you want to make the poor arguement that they get “more loot” or “more XP” someone who paid for progress isnt going to need “more XP” and they can buy any loot needed from the auction house with easy for like $10.

Broken design with easy fixes. 6 months+ to fix something heavily requested and clearly broken is just absurd. I may not have the “best” possible fix for the situation but me being able to come up with one in seconds that is logical, easy to understand, and intuitive speaks volumes about the game development.

Keyboard warrior white night all you want to, it has to change, you are a heavy minority supporting the way it currently is – broken.

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For me the biggest issue is not getting blessings unless everyone has full stability. This is the biggest killer of multiplayer, you are basically farming blessings for every person in the party one at a time if you want to continue playing together. Which means it takes 4x as long as it would if you all did it seperately, very frustrating.

And now with the fact that blessings are stored in a new NPC there is no real reason not to allow everyone to get a blessing when the boss dies, as long as they survived the fight.

The corruption not sharing for everyone is not as much of a huge deal, if you are always playing together you just base it off of one person and that is the level you are at. They might be locked out of playing solo if the group is outperforming.

A decent idea to improve multiplayer would be to be able to make a “Team” which would have its own monolith progression rate and webs seperate from each individual players. A player can become a Team Leader and invite up to 3 other people into their team. The teams progress never resets so if someone leaves they can then just invite another person and continue from that point.

I would recommend, if you have enough, using Glyphs of Envy to advance the corruption in the non-hosts game … This item, while it has more valuable uses than what I’m proposing you do with it, can give your co-op friend a mechanism to gain corruption while you play in a party.

We got a market… solo-play and group-play are mandatory to be compared with each other.
The market is a competition and groups hence aren’t allowed to have upsides compared to solo-players. It was for leagues a massive issue for PoE players which reduced retention time quite a bit since the supply/demand situation caused groups to outperform solo-players by more then 50 times in some leagues. This slowed general progress for solo-players down early and caused them to quit the game before being through the content.

Sure, a myriad of extra reasons were also there but we’re not talking about them but one which was noted down and gradually adjusted with positive outcomes by GGG. We don’t need the same situation in LE.

LE needs functional group-play though and proper mechanics to allow people to play together, period. Hence systems to adjust corruption and stability gain related to time spent together and content run together for example to alleviate the current downsides. It’s not ‘one side is right’ but instead making a system which is a bit more detailed then that.

Rare uniques.
Exalted bases to create legendaries.

Yes… yes there’s more then enough stuff in monoliths which are valued high. Factually wrong statement.

That’s a ‘you’ issue solely, not a general one.

Because it basically is, the ‘release’ tag is a poor choice on EHG in terms of future perception of the game but it was a great move in terms of sudden spiking income for them.
If that gamble works out for them will be seen in the future, it has high potential to backfire after all.