Corruption exalted rewards

Any info on how corroption influences drop rates for exalted as specific echoe rewards? Are they more dense on higher corruption (more present as reward on web echoes) couse on 300 i do not see any difference

As far as I’m aware, outside of uniques that require minimum corruption values to drop, corruption only affects drops via the increased item rarity modifier. Higher corruption → higher increased item rarity → more likely to see “higher rarity” drops (uniques, exalted items, etc).

Thanks man, but im asking frequency of exalted items to appear as special echoe reward on echoe web. As a drop they are more frequent but i didnt notice any difference in regards of special exhoe reward.

I don’t think it affects that but I don’t know.

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Do u know where can i see minimum corruption for certain uniques to drop (how much corruption i need for which uniques?)

Short of searching for it, no.

Trasochi recently answered this question in Discord. The original question and follow up from Trasochi is pasted below for those without access.

PlayerAskingAQuestion 09/13/2021
I’ve spent maybe a total of 5-8 hours speed farming in Stolen Lance to try to get a unique wand reward, no luck. Is there a way to increase the frequency of “good” echo rewards?

Trasochi 09/13/2021
Increase corruption. The higher the corruption, the better the echo rewards.

PlayerAskingAQuestion 09/13/2021
so higher corruption doesn’t just give higher rarity/xp/monster level, it also increases the rate of good nodes like exalted/uniques etc?

Trasochi 09/13/2021
Yeah, and the amount of loot in the chests at the end of echoes, the power of mods from echoes (and how much rarity/xp they give), and some other things like the chance for the Shade of Orobyss to drop its specific uniques.

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Thanks a lot man

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