Corruption Catch-up Mechanic Removed and not in patch notes?

Did they remove the corruption catch-up mechanic with the shade changes? I’m not seeing it in the notes, but I have a 160 monolith and my other monoliths at 100 have no catch-up bonus corruption anymore on shade kills.

If so… this feels worse way worse than in 1.0. Especially since they’ve now tied harbingers to higher level corruptions on different timelines forcing you to advance different timelines. Very bad direction for the game.

Nah it’s just a display issue (it doesn’t show on the echo but you should get it after defeating the shade).

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I have been getting more corruption than listed on the tooltip so there is a corruption catch up mechanic? That explains it then.

Yep. There is a catchup mechanic where if you run an empowered timeline that is lower than another empowered timeline you’ll get bonus corruption when killing a shade.

I just confirmed it is in fact a visual glitch and it is still in the game. I just killed a shade that should have given me +22 corruption but instead got +51 corruption. So working, just visual glitch.

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