Cornered beast. does it work like endurance?

does anybody know if the cornered beast skill in primalist tree ( reduces damage taken at or under 35% hp) works like endurance and calculates the damage reduction even on hits that dont start at that amount of hp?

Hey, isn’t this node quite straight-forward? It explicitly explains both parts of it…

  • If low health (below 35%), take less damage, deal more melee damage.
  • If not already at low health, but damage brings you below 35%, you still get the benefits of it for 5 seconds

So I suppose yes, I understand it’s saying it will calculate the damage reduction of the hit that’s bringing you below 35% hp.

its hard to tell if the damage reduction is calculated when the hit starts above the threshold but brings you below. i try and watch in gameplay but its not obvious. its very not worth it if it doesnt work like endurance so i just want to be sure.

Yeah, reading it again in game, it can be really misleading.
It’s really not explicit whether the dmg reduction will apply or not to the hit that brings you below 35%.
Maybe someone will have a better insight on this matter. Let’s see

Based on other similar mechanics like kill threshold, I’d say the reduction only applies on hits where you’re already below 35%. If you’re at 36% you’ll get the full hit, you just have DR for 5 seconds (even if you then heal/leech above 35%).

Problem is, this is also very similar to the endurance mechanic, which applies the DR on the hit that brings you below endurance threshold. That’s what got OP confused since he put it in title.

That’s true, I guess. You can’t really know without either a dev answer or someone testing it. Though it’s not easy to test properly.
Would be nice if we had some dummies that hit back for these things.

Yes it works partially on bit hits that bring you from above below the threshold, same as other similar mechanics like BD Passive.

Only the portion of the hit that goes beyond the threshold is reduced.


Wait, I thought you were their employee, according to that 2k corruption hardcore mad guy…


Shhhh. Don’t blow my cover, dude, chill!!

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DJ ain’t no dev, he is just a proud White Knight :joy:

Same as me and a lot of other active users :wink:


thank you this is good news. makes it worth using this skill for sure. glad to hear it

It does not apply to one shot damage that would take you from above the threshold to 0

I think you need endurance threshold for it to trigger properly and stack. Feels that way at least.