Controller support - well, lets say, it's a VERY weak feature

I love this game, but the controller support currently is really, really not good.

A few issues and bugs:

  • Can’t really setup the controller scheme, sometimes even all the set controller buttons disappear
  • No “direct buy” and / or “direct sell”
  • Can’t assign the A button
  • I had the issue once of not being able to leave the skills screen using B again, most of the time it works, but it happens that it doesn’t
  • Default control scheme is… ugh…
  • Trying to use a controller seems to cause additional issues (like random stuff popping up as popups) even after switching back to mouse + controller

Thing is, I really prefer controller playing because I can use comfy chair and lean back or even play in bed on my TV set.

Yes, there are many many threads about this very topic open in the last few days. It might be more effective to answer in the open ones to consolidate issues rather than opening new ones over and over again.

One more thing to add.
Im playin on Steam Deck and found some issue too

Yeah, Steam Deck isn’t supported, so if you’re seeing some issues on the Steam Deck that aren’t occurring elsewhere then that’s unlikely to be fixed until they officially support Steam Deck.

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