Controller support needs 2 big changes (and a rollback)

Edit: The targeting issue is fixed.
The other suggestions still remain : )

I play the game strictly through controller.
Support was good ( up to last patch ) but not great.
What would it to make it great?
Let us rebind the “confirm” button (A) to anything useful like a spell or dodge. This is quite uncomfortable since, realistically, that button is only used in town or when looting, while skills are spammed.

That said, the new changes are for the worse:
The radial menu was wonderful, fast and intuitive. Now it’s a slog to use in the middle of a map.
Auto aim was great. Could have been improved, but only slightly. Now it no longer works as skills are always cast at max range.

Returning to old auto-aim (and maybe changing it so that there’s a customizable button combination to cast it at min-mid-max range), returning the old radial menu, and allowing us to rebind -every- button, specially the action button, would make it great.

Edit because I forgot: The game is currently unplayable with my current build due to the new changes.

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