Controller mapping doesn't seems to work


using version 0.8.5F. under Windows 10. Trying to reconfigure my xbox controller.

When I go in settings - Change input Keys, all keys concerning the Gamepad controller are blank. If I set one button (like changing the skill #3), they keys appears as they are by default, but there doesnt seems to be any ways to change they keys (like using Y for skill 3)

Anyone’s seen this issue?

Hey there.

Controller support is a little flakey and isnt 100% working yet. Sometimes you need to double check the Steam Controller settings before it will work in LE. Other times you may have to restart the game (especially if the controller was not plugged in when you started it). There are also sometimes issues with using the Keyboard & mouse when trying to set the controller settings in options - the game can get confused if you use both a controller/keyboard/mouse when changing settings.

There are lots of people playing with controllers so if you havent managed to figure out how to fix your issue, I would recommend checking on Discord, someone may be able to help figure it out or recognise the problem.

ps. I dont use controllers and dont have one so I cannot troubleshoot the issue myself.

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