Last Epoch is a fantastic game and I’m having a blast. If the devs see this I just want to say thank you for everything you’ve done so far. That said, here’s my list of feedback (buttons listed using xbox inputs).
- When using LT/RT to move between player inventory and a left side menu (Stash/Merchant/Forge) cursor posistion should be memorized on each panel.
Why? When depositing things in different stash tabs the player needs to move through empty inventory squares on the left to get to items on the right, even if they were selecting items on the right when they hopped over to stash to switch tabs. Pressing “Sort” often can solve this but also means if the player has many items that look the same they might need to rexamine them to know what goes where in the stash.
- Pressing R/L D-Pad should auto select the next blessing in the blessing rewards menu and cycle to the begining after the last blessing. Pressing Up/Down goes to “Keep Current/Replace” to escape cycle.
Why? It can be tough to select the bottom row of blessings in the reward menu.
- Blessing reward menu should automatically display the tooltip showing blessing strength and stat range when selecting blessings with D-Pad.
Why? the RS cursor is a bit clunky and trying to read with it, and select content with D-Pad doesn’t feel smooth. It can also cause issues where the player can try to select things with RS when the game takes D-Pad cursor input causing incorrect blessing selection (this is a painful mistake to make)
- Would be nice if the loot filter menu could be navigated with the LS/D-pad cursor that hops between menu elements.
Why? RS Cursor is clunky.
- Can shatter shards in merchant inventories always be placed in a vertical line starting at the top left square?
Why? It can be a bit of a scavenger hunt to D-Pad through a merchant inventory and buy them all. This would allow a controler player to simply press “Buy” + D-pad Down on repeat instead of scrolling.
- Can a keybind option be created for “Left Stash Category” & “Right Stash Category”?
Why? This would likely default to unbound since typical controllers don’t have spare input on this menu, but it would be nice for controlers that have extra buttons (Xbox Elite, ect.)
BUGS / Wonkiness
In borderless window if the RS cursor (or maybe the actual mouse cursor) is outside the game window it can cause crashes when opening the skill/passive menu. (This might have been fixed or maybe was only on my end, it hasn’t happened recently.)
If a player receives a party invite while using a controler it keeps them from using skills until the invite is responded to. If there is a hotkey that can minimize this so it can be responded to later already present I’m unsure what it is. It would also be nice if said hot key could be listed on the actual invite too.
The chat window will sometimes open on its own when transistioning areas. This prevents skill use on load in when it happens (can’t reliably use abilities with chat open on controler). Same as above, a hotkey to close would be great.
Echo rewards chest remains selectable even when empty and is selected before droppped loot. This prevents the spamming of the “pick-up” button. Instead the player has to D-pad to each peice as the reward chest will be reselected after each pick up.
The top left passive in any passive tree tends to eat passive points when trying to spend points on other passives with controler. It’s an easy fix with respec but also kinda odd.
Dungeon ability displays keyboard shortcut even when using controler. Actual key bind is found in input settings.
Echo/Monolith map doesn’t display hotkey “X = Quest Echos” at bottom. Knowing this hotkey exists helps limit the weirdness of navigating that menu/map with two cursors (LS/RS) which is the only other option if not using the X button.
Game setting to prompt player to swap areas with host, rather than them automatically being loaded in when host starts an echo. A small prompt like the party invite one would be nice so it wouldn’t interupt someone’s inventory management if they just need to put away a few more things before accepting. (I do like that the auto-drag mechanic exists, but I can see how someone might not want it enabled all the time)
Larger groups? Would be nice to play with everyone but maybe this is something that requires new content or some sort of large raid before it’s really necessary.
Can the echo map zoom out more so that it’s easier to screen cap or see the whole path.
Can stability and CC be displayed on the “Monolith of Fate” map? Would be nice to see this without having to visit each one.
In addition to all the other great suggestions everyone else made about the loot filter I just wanted to add “custom beams” and “map icons” if it hasn’t been brought up yet.
Let’s get some more types of dinosaur enemies. I really love that I can battle dinosaurs in my RPG. What a great design choice. Can we get more?