Controller and Sentinel (melee in general?)

Right now i’m playing a Forge Guard with Multistrike, Forge Strike, Healing Hands, Sigils of Hope and Volatile Reversal.

It looks like i’ve choosen the ultimate difficulty, which is a melee class + playing with a controller.

  1. big problem: there are enemies which can’t be hit with Multistrike or Rive.
    F.e. the 4 vessels in the Abomination fight. Multistrike or Rive can’t be used standing directly before a vessel.
    What works is: dash in with Healing Hand or Lunge and then do ONE Multistrike or Rive. Walk away, repeat …
    There’s also a worm/snake like elite/boss in the campaign, i can’t remember the name.
    It spawns from underground, while you stand at the border of the road/map.
    Looks like the enemy spawned too far to the right.

  2. auto-aim on controller and the direction of a dash.
    Holy crap auto-aim is annoying!
    F.e. The Rotting Hoard fight: when he casts his AoE and you have to run to the border of the map.
    Obviously you think: lets start running outwards and use Lunge/Healing hand dash. Well … it auto-aims to the nearest enemy → you’re dead.
    There are TONS of occasions where you have to run away to not get blown up: use dash? But another enemy was near by? But luck! → you’re dead!

Sometimes the combination of Healing Hands dash and Volatile Reversal can save you, but only if you’re lucky.

Dash seems to prioritize the nearest enemy in a 180degree cone in front of you?

  1. auto-aim in general: it feels really inconsistent!
    Sometimes the character starts to run to an enemy at the border of the screen … instead of hitting the enemy right next to him.
    Sometimes nothing happens at all!
    Sometimes the character turns around and hits the enemy behind him.
    F.e. Rive: “Every third consecutive attack with Rive slashes in a full circle around the character.”
    Rive should make the character turn around, if necessary.

I’m trying to record a few sessions with OBS and some input overlay enabled but i think DEVs know about all the wacky melee controller stuff.

Right now melee (+ controller) feels like a burden and i’ve to switch to a ranged/minion class.