Controller and movement/traversal skills

movement skills are commonly used as a get out of “oops i dropped the soap” situations… but when using a controller they tend to completely ignore the direction your stick is facing and just plow headfirst into the pile of enemies or the large projected “im about to make red butter” attack that you were trying to dash away from using “SHIFT” as a strong example of this.

i dont even have an upgrade that allows “shift” to do damage, yet my escape skill is constantly plowing into death. often in the complete oposite direction my left stick is facing.

-movement skills need to be toggle-able for whether they are allowed to target enemies or not on a controller.
-or at the very least prioritize a narrow “V” direction that you are facing so it still goes in the general direction you are aiming for

ps. i swear i posted about this months or even over a year or 2 ago… but could not find the topic in forum.


Best. Phrasing. Ever.

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Yeah, not going to lie, I like the OP’s use of language.

You may have posted it in the pinned Controller Support Feedback thread where this type of feedback has been provided ever since the 0.7.9 patch was released that introduced auto-targeting for controller, which is nearly 3 years ago now.

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