So, first time logging into a legacy character in a while (I’m a seasonal guy) and would like to offer some feedback to help it be less confusing. I choose an old 100 beastmaster to try some higher corruption content as I didnt make one this cycle. Upon loading, all his gear had red Xs on it (CoF tagged items) as his factions were all level zero. Clicking the merging materials resources button fixes the faction tags.
Legacy stash had zero tabs. I made a few. 1.0 and 1.1 stashes have lots of take only items. Any time I would take out some items, do some stuff, put items into the current mode, go back to the stash, the current one would be blank. Reloading/zoning fixes it. If there was a similar button for merging stash tabs like we have for mats/factions into one big vault it would make a lot of sense.
Anyways, still trying to move stuff around and figure it out. This could be a big issue someday when it’s more popular.
Oh, no worries, your perception isn’t betraying you.
It doesn’t only feel weird… it is weird and clunky
The whole consolidation mechanic is very badly designed overall. Automation missing where automation should be, consolidation of tabs and providing tabs to the upper limit of what you ever had in a Cycle also not being there as well as the missing ability to transfer over full tabs when you have a empty one available (also a issue in PoE, they also have dropped the ball for Standard quite a bit).
So yes, it’s one of the negatives of the game currently.
Blank stash happens when your legacy stash has less categories than the old stashes had. The game decides to “remember” the last category and tab you opened in the “remove only” tabs, but now you’re in legacy where that category and tab don’t exist, so you get an empty stash instead.
Stash tab is remembered each time you use Sort, right click a tab, and some other cases I forgot. So you can right-click your legacy tab and close the menu to fix it.
…yeah I spent the day trying to wrangle up items from 3 different stashes, lol. My desire to fight 500+ corruption harbingers was turned into a geas to make sense of my vault.