Confused about solo account found and now I've lost all my items

New player here. I picked up the game last weekend and I’ve really enjoyed it so far. I got the game because I saw a youtube video talking about the trade system that LE is implementing. When I made my character, I picked “solo account found”, thinking that was the option to join the non-trading guild. Since then, I learned that the trading system is yet to be added to the live game and that I wouldn’t be able to play the solo account found character with anyone else. So I found the option to switch my character off from solo account found, and shortly after learned that my gold and crafting materials weren’t coming with me.

I’m not salty about it, but it could be an issue for other players. It’d be nice if there was some way to transfer gold and craft materials over, or at least make it more clear that there isn’t any reason or benefit to playing solo account found and you’ll lose your stuff if you try to stop doing it.


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